DIY Terpene Extraction Machine, would this work?

Oops I didnt answer all the questions.
25 inhg on the vac most of the time.
The pump will take it to 29 if I dont let nitrogen in, then I slowly creep the valve open till the vac stabilizes at 25
Water bucket is set to 65C
Jacket is about always 4C lower then the heating bucket.
Nitrogen is pushed through the bucket in a coil, so the nitrogen is about 60C,( I want to get a separate heating source to bump the nitrogen up higher).
Originally had the condenser set to -10C (I’m using a circulating chiller unit) but that caused a freeze up in the lines and plugged it up. (Oh btw I have a PRV set to 50 psi just incase this happens, you should too if ur doing this.) So now I set the condenser to 0C and put a baggie full of dry ice on the arm. No need for a cold trap, I ran 10 batches and got maybe 1 drop, not worth the hassle IMO.
I have not tested the Terps yet

So I have a temp probe on the top of the SS column and before the condenser, terps will start to come over when the condensertop reaches 38C. I’ve been putting frozen material(dry terpy trim) in and it drops the temps to the 20C. Takes about 15-20min for it to reach mid 30C. Then starts really dripping at 42C. Then seems to top off at 46C everytime, slowly creeps back down afterwards



Do you think you got everything out of it, as in is there any aroma left when you squeeze n grind the herb?

I’m definitly only getting half if that. The trim still smells awesome, the last batch I did was terpinolene dominant with some funk on the back end. The trim afterwards still smelled great but I can tell the stripper took more terpinolene then the funk.
I’ve done steam distillation in the past and u can get a wet dog/hay smell if u run it too long. Theres nothing like that this using this method.
I am also kinda impatient so my runs dont get everything I could probably get out of it, but this way I’m hoping to minimize decarb to make diamonds.
This is more of a test for me to see if its viable to pay the premium for bomb fire trim/smalls and convert to diamonds using solely nitrogen, ethanol and a bit of pentane/heptane for crc and ph saline washes. At the very least some BOMB carts lol

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I doubt there’s a huge abundance of other carboxylic acids but I could be wrong.

Foul is relative I guess but I have never seen a vac oven capture anything that really represents the flower or the extract. It should be unmistakable to where one would think it’s flower in the room, when it’s just pure concentrated dankness

Careful distillation of HT produces a product that is spot on. I’ve never personally seen anything else like it.

That COA is concerning if it was from natural material. I’ve never seen a terpene test show only 4 terps…
My terp COA would have 30/32 terpenes present

I think it has minors of a few more. If you look at the coa. There are little bars on several other terps. The 4 only add up to like 97%. The other 2+% are probably some of those other terps. I had to to the math at first too

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It’s not showing 4 Terpenes, almost all are represented. They way they display it is misleading. The bars for the others are tiny due to the relative concentration to the four major ones

Add up those 4, they don’t add up to the reported total of 99.8. Adds up to 97.5 with those 4 only. The rest is split up among the other Terpenes, zoom in and you can see the lines shown

This is from butane extracted cannabis flower

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I don’t have access to the other tests we did on other profiles. Most strains don’t produce 99.8% Terpenes. What they do produce 100% represents the flower exactly.

Whatever the untested for compounds are have something to do with the entourage effect.

This profile i posted displayed almost zero modulation. Strains like Hardcore OG, Durban, and LemonOG test between 30-60% Terpenes as a clear volatile oil. Those strains did provide extremely noticeable modulation to pure THCA . Increases effectiveness of dabbed THCA atleast 2-5x and had the clean clear highs associated with each respective cultivar

To me, the smell and taste are just extras, the EFFECT is the only thing that really matters. Most cultivars do not produce any or very little modulating compounds. Identifying the ones that do and what those compounds are is the most important thing going forward for our industry, IMO.

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There are 200+ terps in a weed strain, we only test for 32 maybe alittle more. I’d imagine we will never get 99% terps and if we do I would be suspecious that it only consist of the Terps we are able to test atm.
Yes I saw the little color dimples, but theres no number next to them, so it kind is useless to have it there…

Heres one of my old ones I can dig up.
They mest up and did it by weight, so the purity appears to be lower than it actually is


Nice, yes I agree the way they display Terp results is lacking,

Are your terps available, would love to try a sample. @pangea is in Canada but love to try some someday as well

I also agree that many of the compounds are likely not Terpenes at all. I think the flavonoids hypothesis is a bit flawed due to their high BPs, I think it’s something with a very small molecular weight

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I agree with the hypothesis that it’s not the flavanoids

you think this will happen at 90C under vac?
