Distillate for $800 with great minors low THC 10 kg's left

THC is a little high. A lot of my customers need <2% so they can formulate 3000mg tinctures or greater and still be compliant. I will send this to a few of my clients and see what they think.


Just got mine today, looks great.
Thanks again


Are there any more liters ?

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Feel free to send one of those 3000 mg tinctures would love to try it out :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Thank you! we take great pride in our small batch production!


We are currently making more, due to the high demand for our liters! I will dm you

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I will get one sent out today, thank you for your purchase!

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Since this thread did so well last month, I wanted to post up some more of our distillate we have available. This batch interestingly has 5% CBNa. I’m not sure how this happened in our process, all of the other cannabinoids converted from their acidic version, but not CBN. If you are interested in some distillate we are still upholding our price at $800. Limited supply, please reach out!

batch 1037 distillate.pdf (165.1 KB)

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Amazing profile I will DM you right now.

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Hey Cannavessel,

Not trying to Hijack your thread, but curious as to how you’re dealing with shipping full spectrum over 0.3% inter commerce across the borders.

I have a few hundred Kilos a week, all well below 2% THC, but law enforcement around Wisconsin borders ,Illinois, Michigan and Massachusetts borders have all respondents din writing to us that its criminal charges if they catch wind of it moving across. Instate no issue but outside, and the Massachusetts labs that just got shut down for shipping 2% distillate to Oregon that’s circulating around shows it.

Im just curious as I would love to jump onboard and offload a few hundred kilos out of state, shit ill give to you half the price your charging if you wanna resell them haha.

Hey I know you said you didn’t want to hijack the thread, but that’s exactly what you’re doing. If you look above you asked the same question last month. Here is the reply: “Generally if you do not have a processing license, we dilute the distillate in MCT oil or ethanol whichever the customer prefers.” Thank you.


Hey Thanks,

I didn’t even realize I posted in this thread, I use these forums sparingly and post made a few times every couple months so my apologize man.

Ill PM you if that makes it easier.