Denatured Ethanol with n-heptane

Ti ions are highly soluble in pure water, as are most metals. If you have true pure water (measuring 18Mohm resistivity), it will essentially dissolve metal components until equilibrium is established.
I recently built a air/water heat exchange system where the water was used as an insulator in a plasma reactor. The resistance was critical to the plasma not shorting out to gnd. The total circuit was less than 20 feet in length, but had numerous metal components (valves, manifolds, sensors, heat exchangers, etc.) It left our DI system at 18Mohm, returned around 1.8 Mohm). The drop in resistivity drop is the direct result of copper, zinc, aluminum, and other metal ions in solution,as clearly demonstrated by ICP-MS analysis. So, yes, Ti ions are absolutely soluble in pure water. As far as the teeth, not out of my arse and I am certain very little research is required to validate my claim. Teeth are largely calcium, phophorus, Ca10(PO4)6·2(OH) 1 and highly soluble in pure water as everyone that owns a well knows full well (no pun intended).

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Is your goal to learn and understand more about what extractmac is saying, or to have a “gotcha” moment?

“Any evidence to your tooth claim or was that just pulled out your ass?” Let me fix that for ya: I have not heard anything to suggest RO/DI have a negative effect on teeth. Do you have any sources you can link?


I spent a few minutes seaching the web for a source to back his claims. Could find none. Did find this:

Admittedly I dont know everything. My skepticism is however warranted. And I turn a phrase however I want thanks.

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Where in that article is your supporting evidence?

Im well aware(pun intended) owning several and having used commercial ro. I also noticed my health improve over the many years of drinking ro. Then after several years of drinking bottled water see it reverse. And though ive used a distiller for only the last year ive again seen improvement. The qty and purity of water required to dissolve teeth in the mouths environment is basically unreachable. Much is already in solution before water reaches teeth. There is significant evidence of the benefits and scant and even blatantly fraudulent arguements against. Sometimes its not what you dont know, but what you think you know that just aint so​:grin::poop:

Thoughts on RO vs Distilled water?

Ro is cheaper but less pure with higher gradient changes within filter life intervals. Ro is the water you get from fruits/veggies. Distillation is gods plan.

check these two out instead: you’re asking for that tax money back

edit: three… Drawback Tutorial Home | TTB: Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau


If you are still looking for Food Grade Ethanol denatured with n-heptane 95/5 message me with quantity and I will give you our best price. We work with a dozen ethanol plants direct.

You work with the one in south bend Indiana?

Not sure it is the same but we do work with one in Indiana also IL, SD, ND, NE

Are you interested in a particular grade and price?

Info like this is why my former employer gives me free run of his lab when I want. Ty cyclopath


Can you tell me how to obtain the alcohol with out the tax?

Dm me! I got you covered

is this tread dead?

It was

Is that an attempt to sell ethanol?

Can you guide folks through the process of getting their tax back on beverage grade?

Or are you selling CDA-12?

Maybe tell us about that over in the vendors section…

Is the tax credit for 200 proof something done once a year at tax season? Foot the bill for the year and get it back or can it be claimed throughout the year ?

It is defined as a “drawback”. Which to me implies you pay it all first.

Maybe contact the TTB and report back for the rest of the class….

Should work for hemp.
Won’t work with cannabis…so I’ve never tried.

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Gotcha. Still probably better off just buying denatured with cbd prices where they are if ya gotta foot the bill for the year at a tote per week .

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I can help with provide information about the drawback process. @cyclopath I sell both undenatured, beverage / pharma grade & the denatured mixes, including the CDA-12A. I’ll post in the vendor section.