DDx Remediation Brainstorming

Starting a thread on remediating DDx compounds from hash

Who has a lab that’ll let me run some experiments in WA?


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Looks like similar reagents used in CBN rxn showed success when cleaning up soil slurry. Would be great to see this done with contaminated cannas

Contaminated as in how much ?
What’s the limit and what’s on it ?
You say to clean up hasj as to have a
Plate of hasj and clean this pressed amount of ttichromes out ?
What is it that s most valeuble to you to save the cannabinoids ?

Just want to come in and say that bentonite medias have eliminated every pesticide I’ve encountered, in conjunction with hydrocarbon processing, though I haven’t knowingly encountered DDx. Bentonite is widely used for remediation of organochlorine pesticides as well as the application of said pesticides, as a carrier to aid in even dispersion and slow-release. If I were still operating in a lab this is what I would try first, as it’s the most simple and efficient method I’ve encountered. Zeolite and activated carbon have also been cited in the use of remediation concerning contaminated water sources. I understand this isn’t exactly groundbreaking or novel information, but I believe it’s worth a shot since it’s so readily available.

Although, I’m sure the current issue is to remediate produce acquired from DDx contaminated soil, I’d like to see an effort to remediate the soil through sustainable and regenerative agriculture methods. Such as growing crops that have the potential to leach contaminate and using the produce for applications other than ingestion, like construction and textiles. Though, I’d still be concerned about the long-term effects of being exposed to clothing and construction materials contaminated with said pesticides in a tactile sense.

Unfortunately, the resources and pictures you cited aren’t working for me, so I hope I didn’t come in here with a useless addition to the thread. I wish you the best of luck finding a lab to conduct your research, I hope to see positive results!


primary issue is growing on contaminated soil. many farms have been shuttered, presumably more will follow.

chances are it’s not just a WA problem, but Washington doesn’t allow pesticide remediation…

(c) Remediation. Remediation is a process or technique applied to quantities of marijuana flower, lots, or batches. Remediation may occur after the first failure, depending on the failure, or if a retest process results in a second failure. Pesticide failures may not be remediated.

like hemp?


Precisely like hemp! Though I am hoping to hear about more crops that have similar effects on soil, so even crop rotations can be utilized. All while maintaining the “no crops for ingestion” route, until contaminate is reduced to acceptable levels.


Indian mustard, Indian grass, poplar, willow, and sunflowers



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If I am reading this all correctly
Soil is contaminated with DD x (ddt)
Wich is not very water soluble
It seems so doing an extraction with water (@moronabis) would most likely make the most sense
Or any other solvent that it s insoluble in
Yust spitballing hete


I would assume that it becomes more soluble in water if you raise the PH or add ethanol. Water extraction isn’t happening with just water.

It is yust water with a modified ph
Wich indeed might make the ddx more soluble
I guess the only way to not remediate is to not extract still a art I am afraid
One would think that by now an enzyme of sorts was developed to remediate the soil of this poison since it s such a global isseu


The article I linked discusses phytoremediation. It’s a multi step process, doing the chemistry to clean up the current products and other approaches for longe term soil remediation, but apparently field pumpkins showed the highest level of uptake for DDx compounds. Pobably did not compare to various hemp species though


Also I’d be interested if anyone has DDX contaminated oil they are looking to sell for cheap / donate .

Will not be used for any consumption, looking into non consumable product development (adhesives / lacquer type products) as well as material to test out some of these proposed clean-up reactions

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