CLS yields? Prep/packing material?

nope. being as specific as possible given the constraints.
I suspect you’re just missing the point.

without knowing the input potency & output potency, pissing around with all the variables gets you nothing (actionable).

potency of biomass is primary determinant of “yield”.
specific grind determines amount in extractor, and effects quality & total efficiency.
packing also affects amount in extractor, and possibly solvent to biomass ratio, which may effect extraction efficiency or even extraction profile.

given the differences in material vessel geometry and volume of provided solvent tanks, optimizing any given extractor is an exercise for the operator. one that requires analytical testing of some sort to achieve.

edit: @Rusty_Shackleford here is a more wordy version which might get the concept across: Trim to distillate - #6 by cyclopath