Cleaning SOP? Removal of pesticides from equipment

I don’t have a week down time. The contamination levels were pretty low, around 3x the limit. I had another system that tested at 8x in distillate, that one I will possibly be able to do a longer soak. I ran remediated product through a dirty short path. One that ran both dirty batches. This round can back with undetectable levels of myclo. I didn’t clean the system very good, just a acetone wash, then alconox, followed by hot water then distilled water. That doesn’t seem like a good enough soak for complete cleaning so that the round would test perfectly clean. If its that easy I think I got the closed loop clean with an acetone wash then overnight 2% alconox.

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Ive called around to a couple spots, the county was supposed to build one last year but Im not sure what happened to that. Its been delayed till at least 2020.

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If you can I would store in c1d1 container till able to dispose of.

You, sir, are a hero!
