Appreciate it :pray:

this made me lol

Thinking about training a GPT on the forum to upgrade the search bar


Surprise surprise?
Unless you create the “foundation level “unit” from the ground up you will lease it ? and run it on the creators supercomputer?
Who will “own” the data base…once you send it out?

I am guessing it may all be incorporated into many systems all ready. Find something in the data base that is clearly incorrect …and query a standard “free” AI (more advanced that GPT 3.5) with a leading question and see what you find.

I have queried google (2 hits) on a number of issues concerning cannabinoid chemistry only to find answers under moronnabis. “Butane works but no theory”…

Bing (newer AI intergrated ) 667 hits.

The Bing system with modern AI running in back ground…is exponentially higher…so your Future4200 site-data has certainly been gobbled up and spitting out answers already.

so I hope your version is better that BING…whether or not your will upgrade the search bar over bing AI remains to be seen.

Good luck…

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Welcome to the internet buddy

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By the early 1980s , the bones of what would become the internet were in place. This new and growing network, with continued support by DARPA and DoD, became available to the academic community, which led to the launch of other government networks“
Nope….never seen anything like it…
I find it difficult to understand what it is to be six years behind in the field of Sentient AI.
If you find someone with the appropriate clearance, I wouldn’t ask.
I think the question is: Is 4200 a field test site?

The only thing you have left to offer is “Flow”.

Perceptrons are quite fascinating , I’m sure you would agree.

Yes, I agree that any system you install will be a “great search engine”.

Oh dear, @cyclopath, I thought replied. Maybe that was in another thread. But yes, I did reevaluate. My mistake in not being clear enough on the different between drinking quantities and residual traces. Comes down to this. All the concern and bad news about Isopropyl is in drinking quantities. What you googled, was results for drinking quantities.

Down at the trace level, isopropyl is not as potentially damaging as Ethanol. (BTW, my position today (11/09/23) is that you should not drink ANY solvent, even Ethanol. If you wet the tip of your finger, that is too much.) The takeaway from ChatGPT;s messy explanation is that Ethanol metabolizes into acetaldehyde, a known carcinogen. Isopropyl metabolizes into acetone then metabolized into ketones, which is used as an energy source. The tables have turned down at the residual level.

So stop drinking ethanol! Out of the 4 solvent’s I endorse for extractions (Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate, Isopropyl & Acetone), only ethanol is potentially damaging down at the trace level. Even then, trace levels mean the quantities are well within the liver’s capacity to metabolizes these molecules so it actually becomes a mute point - healthy liver and kidneys have the capacity to metabolize trace quantities without overflow. Overflow happens when you drink more ethanol than what your liver can process in x amount of time. Your face gets the warm flush when your liver overflows Acetaldehyde into your bloodstream. This is when the negative long term health effects pile up.

@Guinevere that study is amazing!!!. I am writing an amateurs version of it called “Cannabis Extraction Solvent Safety”. Damn, I can quit now, jk…

Hey, this paper calls Isopropyl ‘more polar’ than ethanol, but it’s dialetric constant is 18.2 vs ethanol’s 24.3. So how is it more polar, should be less. Fats and waxes are non-polar so IPA should pick up more than ethanol by about 20%.

Edit: If you’re interested, this is my eariler writeup on the Isoprpyl controversy.

Can someone get chatgpt to generate a picture for me please? This is something that came to me while the news showed the inner workings of an Amazon facility.

On one side of the picture is the extracted, empty, run down earth that’s being sucked into an Amazon facility and on the other side is the green earth, sun shine happy family, I have all the possessions I will ever want at the click of a mouse clearly oblivious to the fast forwarding to the destruction of man kind.


Image Creator from Microsoft Designer?

I’m gonna just copy and paste that into this link.

There you go @weedthepeople

Now you can do this too.

Chat GPT does text only btw.

DALL-E is OpenAis image generator.


The woke meets AI. See:
Altman firing this past week might give you some clues.
Zero Hedge gives and interesting review:
Is This Why The OpenAI Board Fired CEO/Co-Founder Altman? | ZeroHedge

I.e., in reference to the 30,000 job question

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This weekend has been…written in the styleometry as thumper:

He’s gone!

I’m back but only if the entire board resigns

Entire team resigns

It’s basically a friendly South American / West African coup-countercoup.

Nobody knows what it be he do but he did (maybe)


Wonder who is goin to lose their jobs.??

8 billion and counting start anywhere…
Be funny if top down causality finds its way to the emergent flow list first.

Musk seems to have had a “pre-vision” all along.
Idea is to “buy the flow” for real time data. Problem is biased bot data vs human trash…Is there such a thing as the “real thing” anymore? You wonder why “chatter” is so highly valued…
So on the flow side we have the “Glasperlenspiel” and on the gobble up and transform side we have a situation where the elevator works but no human is on the top floor?


…he’s back now CAO an hour ago…

??? Recheck?

M$FT! Doh!

From a different perspective and understanding you are six-to-twelve years behind the AI_8ball.

We’ll all need an 8-ball by the time this shit sorts out.

The question is “what is in the field being implemented”?

With refresh rates up to 120 Hz, how do you know what appears to be your thoughts are “your thoughts”…

Feeling “tired”…


Q* and pronounced Q-Star
Perhaps not so much a conflict with Altman…
But more of a shock running into a “sentient” that doesn’t go for the “wokie”. Shit…or even one that is hostile.

There have been similar reports leaked from the Google group.

Don’t be thrown off by the “math story”…its deeper.

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Moving on from OpenAI MSFT drama…

MeshGPT: auto complete for woodshop: see 2:51 of video:


:pleading_face: that’s fuckin awesome

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Yeah I’m scared of this when you add extractor depot / McMaster parts.

But I do like the extraction vessel AI stuff that’s been posted.

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