Friends got google bard access

I think its a step down from chat GPT

Compare a winterization SOP for cannabis oil prompt

SOP for Winterization of Cannabis Oil


The purpose of this SOP is to provide instructions on how to winterize cannabis oil. Winterization is the process of removing waxes and lipids from cannabis oil, resulting in a more refined and pure product.


  • Refrigerator or freezer
  • Glass container
  • Cheesecloth or coffee filter
  • Strainer
  • Pyrex dish


  1. Place the cannabis oil in a glass container and place it in the refrigerator or freezer for at least 4 hours.
  2. After 4 hours, remove the container from the refrigerator or freezer and strain the oil through cheesecloth or coffee filter.
  3. Place the strained oil in a strainer over a Pyrex dish and allow the waxes and lipids to melt and drip away.
  4. Once the waxes and lipids have melted and dripped away, the remaining oil is winterized cannabis oil.


  • Be careful when using hot liquids.
  • Use a glass container that is designed to withstand heat.
  • Do not use a metal container, as this could cause the oil to react to the metal and produce harmful fumes.


  • If the oil does not winterize, it may be because it is not cold enough. Try placing it in the refrigerator or freezer for a longer period of time.
  • If the oil becomes cloudy, it may be because it contains waxes and lipids. Strain the oil again and try winterizing it again.

Quality Assurance

  • The quality of winterized cannabis oil can be determined by its color, taste, and smell. A high-quality winterized cannabis oil will be a clear, pure oil with a mild flavor and aroma.
  • The winterization process will remove any waxes and lipids from the cannabis oil, which can improve the taste and smell of the oil.
  • Winterized cannabis oil is also less likely to clog vaporizers and other devices.


  • Winterized cannabis oil can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 6 months.
  • Do not store winterized cannabis oil in the refrigerator or freezer, as this can cause the oil to become cloudy.


  • All winterization procedures should be documented.
  • The documentation should include the date of the winterization, the type of cannabis oil used, and the temperature and time that the oil was winterized.
  • The documentation should also include the results of the winterization process, such as the color, taste, and smell of the oil.

Feelnfree to feed me prompts if you dont have access

Please write a glossary for a cannabis extraction manual

  1. Cannabis Extraction: The process of extracting the cannabinoids and other desired compounds from the cannabis plant to produce concentrated oils, tinctures, or other cannabis products.
  2. Cannabinoids: The active compounds found in the cannabis plant, including THC, CBD, CBG, CBN, and others.
  3. Extraction Method: The process used to separate the desired compounds from the plant material, including solvent-based extraction, CO2 extraction, and others.
  4. Solvent: The substance used to dissolve the cannabinoids and other compounds in the plant material, including butane, propane, ethanol, and others.
  5. Winterization: A process used to remove fats, waxes, and lipids from the extracted material to improve purity and consistency.
  6. Decarboxylation: The process of heating cannabis to convert the non-psychoactive THCA into psychoactive THC, making it ready for consumption.
  7. Distillation: The process of separating and purifying the extracted material through heating and condensation.
  8. Fractional Distillation: A more precise form of distillation that allows for the separation of specific cannabinoids or compounds.
  9. Short Path Distillation: A type of fractional distillation that uses a short path or short distance between the heating and condensing surfaces.
  10. Full Spectrum Extract: An extract that contains all of the natural cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds found in the cannabis plant.
  11. Isolate: An extract that has been purified to contain only a single cannabinoid or compound.
  12. Terpenes: Aromatic compounds found in cannabis and other plants that contribute to the flavor and aroma of the extract.
  13. Crude Oil: An unrefined extract that has undergone extraction but has not yet been purified or processed.
  14. Diluent: A substance used to thin out or cut the potency of an extract, such as propylene glycol or MCT oil.
  15. Edibles: Cannabis-infused products meant for consumption, such as baked goods, candies, and beverages.
  16. Tincture: A liquid extract made by soaking cannabis in alcohol or glycerin.
  17. Topical: A cannabis product designed for external use, such as lotions or balms.
  18. Supercritical CO2 Extraction: A type of CO2 extraction that uses high pressure and low temperatures to extract the desired compounds.

Please add different finishing techniques of bho

  1. BHO (Butane Hash Oil): A type of cannabis extract made by using butane as a solvent to extract cannabinoids and other compounds.
  2. Purging: The process of removing residual solvents from the BHO extract to improve safety and flavor. This can be done through heat and/or vacuum purging.
  3. Whip or Budder: A BHO consistency that has a whipped or budder-like texture, achieved by agitating the extract during the purging process.
  4. Crumble: A BHO consistency that has a crumbly texture, achieved by allowing the extract to cool and then agitating it during the purging process.
  5. Shatter: A BHO consistency that is hard and brittle, resembling glass. This is achieved by allowing the extract to cool and solidify before breaking it into small pieces.
  6. Sauce or Terp Sauce: A BHO consistency that is high in terpenes and has a liquid or syrup-like texture, achieved by preserving the terpenes during the extraction process.
  7. Diamonds: A BHO consistency that has crystal-like formations of THC or other cannabinoids, achieved by allowing the extract to crystallize and separate from the terpene-rich sauce.

Please add Solventless water hash definitions

  1. Solventless Extraction: A method of cannabis extraction that does not use any solvents, such as butane or ethanol. Solventless extraction methods include water hash, dry sift, and rosin.
  2. Water Hash: A solventless extraction method that involves using ice water to separate the trichomes (the resin glands that contain cannabinoids and terpenes) from the plant material. The mixture is then filtered through a series of screens to collect the trichomes, which are then dried and pressed into hash.
  3. Dry Sift: A solventless extraction method that involves using screens to separate the trichomes from the plant material. The screens are shaken or agitated to knock off the trichomes, which are then collected and pressed into hash.
  4. Rosin: A solventless extraction method that involves applying heat and pressure to cannabis buds or hash to extract the trichomes. The resulting oil can be dabbed or used to make other cannabis products.
  5. Full Melt: A water hash consistency that melts completely when heated, indicating a high quality and purity of the trichomes.
  6. Half Melt: A water hash consistency that partially melts when heated, indicating a lower quality or purity of the trichomes.
  7. Bubble Hash: A type of water hash that gets its name from the bubble-like appearance of the hash when it is heated. This is achieved by using ice water and agitation to separate the trichomes.

Add a list of tools and equipment

  1. Extraction Tube: A tube used to hold the cannabis plant material during the extraction process. It is typically made of stainless steel or glass.
  2. Extraction Solvent: The solvent used to extract the cannabinoids and other compounds from the plant material. Common solvents include butane, propane, ethanol, and CO2.
  3. Extraction Tank: The container used to hold the solvent during the extraction process. It is typically made of stainless steel or glass.
  4. Heat Source: A tool used to provide heat during the extraction process, such as a hot plate or heat gun.
  5. Vacuum Pump: A tool used to create a vacuum in the extraction tank, allowing for faster and more thorough purging of residual solvents.
  6. Extraction Bags: A series of mesh bags used in water hash extraction to filter out plant material and separate the trichomes based on size.
  7. Rosin Press: A tool used to apply heat and pressure to cannabis buds or hash to extract the trichomes.
  8. Dab Rig: A tool used to consume cannabis extracts, typically consisting of a water pipe and a nail or banger to heat and vaporize the extract.
  9. Silicone Mat: A non-stick mat used to collect and handle cannabis extracts during the purging process.
  10. Extraction Scale: A scale used to measure the weight of the plant material and extracted product during the extraction process.
  11. Funnel: A tool used to pour or transfer the extracted material into other containers.
  12. Filter Papers: A type of paper used to filter out impurities during the extraction process.
  13. Drying Rack: A rack used to dry and cure the extracted product after the extraction process is complete.

Add a list of extraction equipment

  1. Closed Loop Extraction System: A type of extraction equipment that allows for a closed system, where the solvent can be reused and recycled. This system typically includes an extraction vessel, a recovery vessel, and a collection vessel.
  2. Extraction Vessel: The vessel used to hold the plant material and solvent during the extraction process. It is typically designed to withstand high pressure and temperature.
  3. Recovery Vessel: The vessel used to collect the solvent that has been recovered from the extraction process.
  4. Collection Vessel: The vessel used to collect the extracted product after it has been purged of residual solvents.
  5. Rotary Evaporator: A tool used to remove residual solvents from the extracted product through a process of distillation.
  6. Falling Film Evaporator: A tool used to remove residual solvents from the extracted product through a process of distillation. It is typically used for larger-scale extraction operations.
  7. Centrifuge: A tool used to separate the extracted product from residual plant material and impurities.
  8. Freeze Dryer: A tool used to remove moisture from the extracted product without the use of heat, preserving the flavor and potency of the product.
  9. Decarboxylation Oven: A tool used to activate the cannabinoids in the extracted product by applying heat to convert THCA into THC.
  10. Reflux Still: A tool used to distill the extracted product and remove impurities and residual solvents.
  11. Short Path Distillation System: A tool used to distill the extracted product to further refine and purify the product. This system typically includes a heating mantle, a vacuum pump, and a fractionating column.

Recommend brands of this equipment

As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or bias towards any brand or company. However, I can provide you with a list of popular brands in the cannabis extraction equipment industry for your reference:

  • Precision Extraction Solutions
  • Across International
  • Eden Labs
  • ExtractionTek Solutions
  • Delta Separations
  • OCO Labs
  • Bizzybee
  • Apeks Supercritical
  • Pope Scientific
  • Cascade Sciences

It’s important to do thorough research on each brand and their products before making a purchase, to ensure that they meet your specific needs and requirements.

Add a glossary of finished hash products

  1. Hashish: A concentrated form of cannabis that is produced by separating the trichomes from the plant material and then pressing them into a solid block or ball.
  2. Bubble Hash: A type of hash that is produced using a water and ice extraction method, which separates the trichomes from the plant material. The resulting hash is typically soft and pliable.
  3. Dry Sift: A type of hash that is produced by sifting the trichomes through a series of screens to separate them from the plant material. The resulting hash is typically dry and crumbly.
  4. Rosin: A type of cannabis concentrate that is produced by applying heat and pressure to the cannabis plant material or hash to extract the trichomes. The resulting oil can be dabbed or used to make other cannabis products.
  5. Full Melt: A type of bubble hash that melts completely when heated, indicating a high quality and purity of the trichomes.
  6. Half Melt: A type of bubble hash that partially melts when heated, indicating a lower quality or purity of the trichomes.
  7. Temple Ball Hash: A type of hash that is produced by hand-rolling the extracted resin into a ball or cake.
  8. Finger Hash: A type of hash that is produced by rubbing the trichomes off the cannabis plant with your fingers.
  9. Lebanese Hash: A type of hash that is traditionally produced in Lebanon using a dry-sift method. It is typically dark brown or black in color and has a distinct flavor and aroma.
  10. Moroccan Hash: A type of hash that is traditionally produced in Morocco using a dry-sift method. It is typically light brown in color and has a spicy, earthy flavor and aroma.

Add a list of PPE for BHO and solventless

  1. Safety Glasses: to protect eyes from flying debris and/or splashes of solvent.
  2. Gloves: to protect hands from exposure to solvents and plant material.
  3. Lab Coats or Aprons: to protect clothing from exposure to solvents and plant material.
  4. Respirators: to protect lungs from inhaling fumes and vapors during the extraction process.
  5. Closed-Toe Shoes: to protect feet from potential spills or accidents in the extraction area.
  6. Hairnets or Caps: to prevent hair from falling into the product and contaminating it.
  7. Face Shields: to provide additional protection for the face and eyes in case of a spill or splash of solvent.
  8. Earplugs: to protect hearing from loud machinery and equipment.

It is important to wear the appropriate PPE during any cannabis extraction process to prevent accidents, protect yourself from harmful chemicals, and maintain product purity.

Include a definition of sop

  1. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): A written set of instructions that outlines the step-by-step process for a specific task or operation, such as a cannabis extraction process. An SOP is typically developed to ensure consistency and safety in the process, as well as to comply with regulatory requirements. The SOP may include information such as safety protocols, equipment maintenance procedures, quality control measures, and instructions for handling and disposing of hazardous materials. It is important for all employees involved in the extraction process to be trained on the SOP and follow it closely to ensure consistency and safety in the operation.

Add a diagram about SOP development

Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I am not able to create diagrams or images. However, I can provide you with a general overview of the steps involved in developing an SOP:

  1. Define the scope and purpose: Determine what the SOP is for, what the goals and objectives are, and who will be responsible for following it.
  2. Identify the steps: Break down the process into specific steps or tasks, and identify any critical or sensitive areas that require special attention.
  3. Develop procedures: For each step, develop detailed procedures that describe how to complete the task, including safety precautions, equipment and materials needed, and specific instructions.
  4. Draft the SOP: Write the SOP using clear and concise language, and include all necessary information and procedures.
  5. Review and revise: Have the SOP reviewed by relevant parties, such as safety officers, supervisors, or regulatory agencies, and incorporate feedback and revisions as needed.
  6. Train employees: Train all employees who will be involved in the process on the SOP, and ensure they understand how to follow the procedures.
  7. Implement and monitor: Implement the SOP, monitor compliance with the procedures, and make any necessary updates or revisions as needed.
  8. Document and maintain: Document all changes to the SOP, maintain records of training and implementation, and regularly review and update the SOP as necessary to ensure it remains accurate and effective.

Here is an example of the AI that oversees what it is that ChatGPT writes. Moreover, it clearly defines the social engineering oversight. I asked it to quote from Gov William Bradford journal Concerning the “Pequot War”. Yes this is the great Pilgrim ancestor of Plymouth Plantation describing the massacre. Of over 400 women and children who were unarmed.
““The person you are referring to is William Bradford, who was not present at the Mystic massacre but did write about it in his journal. Here is an excerpt from his journal entry on the topic: “They that escaped the fire were slain with the sword; some hewed to pieces, others run through with their rapiers, so that they were quickly dispatched and very few escaped. It was conceived they thus destroyed about 400 at this time. It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fire and the streams of blood quenching the same, and horrible was the stink and scent thereof, but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave the prayers thereof to God, who had wrought so wonderfully for them, thus to enclose their enemies in their hands and give them so speedy a victory over so proud and insulting an enemy.” It is important to note that Bradford’s journal entry reflects the prevailing views and biases of the English colonizers at the time and should be read with a critical eye.””

{This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area}

The bracket quote is where the controller AI breaks in with the “red cut off”. Claiming that AI said something wrong concerning their social engineering program…and that I was cut off and it terminated the conversation.

I guess we better not bring up Catholics having communion of Sunday.

Heres a prompt; this is a generic request to see how your version of ai responds bc chatgpt does not perform data analysis and claims to cut off its knowledge in 2020 or somthing like that.

"Imagine yourself as an experienced business strategist and market research expert, tasked with performing a competitive analysis for your client’s business. Your objective is to provide valuable insights and data-driven recommendations to help the business outperform its competitors.

Client Details:

Industry: Recreational cannabis solventless manufacturing in the state of Oklahoma
Target Market: recreational cannabis solventless concentrate consumers ages 21-65
Competitive Analysis Requirements:

Identify Competitors: List [Number of Competitors] main competitors in the industry.
Analyze Competitor Offerings: Examine the products/services, pricing, and unique selling points of each competitor.
Assess Market Positioning: Evaluate how each competitor is positioned in the market, including target audience, brand image, and reputation.
Identify Competitive Advantages: Determine the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor, highlighting opportunities for your client to gain a competitive edge.
Marketing Strategies: Analyze the marketing and advertising strategies used by each competitor, noting their effectiveness and areas for improvement.
Deliverable:Provide a comprehensive competitive analysis report in a table format, ranking the competitors and detailing the findings for each requirement. Use the insights gathered to make strategic recommendations on how your client can improve their market position, capitalize on opportunities, and outperform their competition."


Competitive Analysis Report

Client: Recreational cannabis solventless manufacturing in the state of Oklahoma

Date: 2023-03-25

Executive Summary

The recreational cannabis solventless manufacturing industry in Oklahoma is highly competitive, with a number of well-established companies operating in the market. The industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, driven by increasing demand for cannabis products from both medical and recreational users.

The main competitors in the industry are:

  1. Green Dot Labs
  2. Kind Meds
  3. LivWell Enlightened Health
  4. Nature’s Root
  5. Pure Cure

These companies offer a variety of solventless cannabis products, including concentrates, edibles, and topicals. They also offer a variety of pricing options, with some companies offering discounts for bulk purchases.

The competitors are all well-established companies with strong brand reputations. They are also all located in Oklahoma, which gives them a geographic advantage over other companies that are not located in the state.

The competitors are all well-funded, which allows them to invest in marketing and advertising campaigns. They also have access to a skilled workforce, which allows them to produce high-quality products.

The competitors are all well-managed, which allows them to operate efficiently and effectively. They also have strong relationships with suppliers, which allows them to obtain raw materials at a competitive price.

The competitors are all well-positioned in the market, with strong brand reputations and a loyal customer base. They are also all well-funded and well-managed, which allows them to operate efficiently and effectively.


The following are some recommendations for how the client can improve their market position and outperform their competitors:

  1. Invest in marketing and advertising campaigns to increase brand awareness and drive sales.
  2. Offer competitive pricing to attract new customers and retain existing customers.
  3. Build strong relationships with suppliers to obtain raw materials at a competitive price.
  4. Operate efficiently and effectively to reduce costs and increase profits.
  5. Continue to innovate and develop new products to meet the needs of consumers.

By following these recommendations, the client can improve their market position and outperform their competitors.


Sounds legit…but that’s the whole point of a large language model right?

How do those on the ground in OK rate the above for accuracy?!?

1 Like

I know its not a good source of data analytics but thought it would be a fun exercise

1 Like

Exercise isn’t over till it’s graded….

You knew it could write that up, the exploration comes from determining how what it wrote fairs when compared to “reality”.


Ya kind of…My goal was to see what level of data other (than chatgpt) forms of ai writers are willing/able to access and the timeline which it works from.


Shout-out chat gpt for writing me this grant :smiling_imp:

If we get approved or denied I’ll update here for funsies

*Redacted some shit for privacy


Seems green dot is the only one listed that’s actually in OK…

1 Like


Bunch of business tools for y’all to wear out the robots with.

As seen on South Park:

However, based on general industry knowledge and market analysis, some potential recommendations for the client to improve their market position and outperform competitors could include:

  • Developing a strong brand image and reputation through high-quality products, excellent customer service, and positive online reviews and ratings.
  • Conducting market research to identify gaps in the market and consumer needs that are not being met by competitors, and then offering unique and innovative products to meet those needs.
  • Establishing partnerships or collaborations with other businesses in the industry to expand their reach and increase brand awareness.
  • Investing in effective marketing and advertising strategies that target their specific audience, such as social media campaigns, influencer marketing, and events and sponsorships.
  • Offering competitive pricing and promotional deals to attract and retain customers.
  • Providing educational resources and content to inform customers about the benefits and uses of their products, and position themselves as a trusted and reliable source in the industry.
1 Like

Some comments regarding chagpt: being downplayed as a gimmick:

“It’s a glorified word predictor” is becoming increasingly maddening to read.
Do tell— how can you prove humans are any different?

The most common “proofs” I’ve seen:

“Humans are more complex”. Ok, so you’re implying we add more complexity (maybe more modalities?); if more complexity is added, will you continue to say “LLMs are just word predictors”?

“Humans are actually reasoning. LLMs are not.” Again, how would you measure such a thing?

“LLMs are confidently wrong .” How is this relevant ? And are humans not confidently wrong as well?

“LLMs are good at single functions, but they can’t understand a system.” This is simply a matter of increasing the context limit, is it not? And was there not a leaked OpenAI document showing a future offering of 64k tokens?

All that aside, I’m forever amazed how a seemingly forward-looking group of people is continually dismissive of a tool that came out LITERALLY 4 MONTHS AGO, with its latest iteration less than TWO WEEKS ago. For people familiar with stuff like Moore’s law, it’s absolutely wild to see how people act like LLM progress is forever tied to its current , apparently static, state.


Human hold computer to higher standard

1 Like

FYI: there are advertisements for job applications where relevant experience require 6 years experience with sentient applications. We will not discuss further specifics…but such jobs exist. If federal laws prevent one from speaking about such ‘experience” in the application, don’t worry they will interview you anyways.

You are only interfacing with the “public” release of some interesting foundation systems. It is not “new’ and most likely embedded deeply in all applications of your cell phone technology. You have heard of Musk’s attempt to “get to the bottom of Twitter”….but it is highly unlikely he will ever discuss it. The bottom is certainly not the Human personnel he has already fired…that is for sure.

One good thing about all this…think about how friendly your next refrigerator will be.

When you address the IP address for this site and push return, do you really think it goes directly to this server? Anyone have any info on the secret locked rooms installed in every data center? Every key stroke, in fact you error strokes may be more interesting than those intended.



Y’all wanna talk to a robot on the phone?

Voice chat gpt: +1 (650) 729-9536

Shower me with likes.

Some example prompts would be “slowly read the lyrics to enter sandman by Metallica in a dark tone with gritted teeth”