CBD Distillate for Sale in CO, 85% CBD $3800-4000/L

Im curious how you are able to sell this since it is over .3%?

Still have any available?

Yes. We have about 50kg currently.

Cant DM, can you email me? info@outlanderextractions.com

Also having trouble dming you. Very interested out here in ct. email me at slowpuffs@gmail.com whenever you get a chance.

Currently we have over 100kg in stock.
1kg - $4200/kg
2-4kg - $4000/kg
5-19kg - $3800/kg
20-99kg - $3500/kg
100+kg - $3200/kg

So I’ve had several comments that contradict each other. Can we or can we not sell hot distillate as long as we are selling it to another lab that is going to process it further into a product that is compliant with the .3% thc limit?

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Trying to connect, but not finding a way to send a message, let me know how to reach out, thanks!

I know in Colorado, we are buying hot distillate all day long and using it to infuse products. Doesn’t really attest to the legality of it, but I am not 100% sure on the legal answer to this. But I think as long as the product is below the 0.3% limit at the time of sale to the consumer, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
You can’t really extract hemp without extracting the THC. So the extract is bound to have THC in it at some point. As long as its not getting to the consumer at percentages over 0.3%, (I think) you’re good to go.


Speaking as a licensed attorney that specializes in cannabis law-it is is a legal gray area federally. Colorado is cool with it, but nobody knows for sure what the feds will do about it if it ever goes to court.

If you take the strictest view of the Farm Bill and the .3% limit, then even possessing anything over .3% is illegal. So pretty much anybody that concentrates CBD at all, even to make isolate and destroy the THC, is breaking the law. However, we know that this interpretation doesn’t make much sense from a production standpoint. If this issue ever gets in front of a court, they may make a distinction about in production vs finished product or possessing an intermediate product vs selling it, but for now there is no law on it. For what it is worth, I have had a conversation with the head of cannabis enforcement for the DEA in my jurisdiction and he told me that they didn’t care about hemp products, but that is by no means binding.

As both an attorney and business person in the cannabis industry, I am going to keep pushing the envelope on until stupid, draconian cannabis laws are off the books or someone makes me stop. People doing just that are exactly who you have to thank for the slow death of cannabis prohibition.


No one is sure of the legal answer to this, but you are completely right. No one has gotten in trouble for it yet.

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however, people have been busted for driving with hot crude, fwiw. Dunno what happened with the legal case after the bust tho

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I have heard similar feedback through my federal contacts. They’re totally focused on meth and the opioid crisis and don’t even have the budget for that. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t act on something that fell into their laps but it seems they are letting local law enforcement deal with much of the black market cannabis market especially illegal grows.

They are busting people for illegal grows and labs everywhere this year

May be in the market for a liter but may need it shipped.

Hey how do I get in contact with you

Shoot me an email at chad@hempicated.com

@CBDfarmer can you please email your menu? Thanks

Email - DdogFord@Yahoo.com

Can you email me sir?

Can you dm me or email me aswell. Thank you.