cbd carts turning dark

It is, and I am so sick of telling people to use these pinche paperclips


Is it possible to look through the carts and tell which ones are to short.(the firing pin). And can it be barely pulled out w fingernail to fix like some carts can?

I have 100 those all ceramics on the way till my normal carts are in

It’s 100% due to how you cap. The people with all the issues are capping between their thumb and pointer fingers, like this :ok_hand:

Since their finger isnt a flat surface, the pressure point goes from the rim, to the contact (firing pin) and pushes it up only so slightly. bam, no fire, “call Ian and complain”

Just so you guys know, any complaint you have, I have already heard from Christi. Thats why I don’t be letting yall finish :rofl::joy: I already know


I see your point. I dont secure the tip like that. But I see how that can push the contact upwards.


From my experience we have seen two contributing factors to this. As previously mentioned oxidation is a natural occurrence and there isn’t much you can do about it. However, we have also seen light exposure contribute to this. Two different boxes of the same batch, one left in darkness and the other left in the open exposed to just normal indoor light sources. The one left in darkness kept its light color while the other darkened.

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Store your jar of disty under vac and use n2
And fill your carts all the way up. No oxygen means less oxidizing

No offense but thats plain wrong info.
I have old disty in a jar stored under vacuum with n2 and zero oxidation. If theres no oxygen how can it oxidize.
Your correct about light causing it

You would be correct about pure disty in a jar. However, I am speaking of disty mixed with terps and MCT in a cart. I believe the terps in particular contribute to this. Some terp blends darken faster than others.

No need to protect from O2, but it is important to protect from UVs. Sun light, or certain lamps, will promote this reaction.

Presence of anti-oxidants (eg omega 3 in many oils) will retard this reaction for few days/weekd depending on concentration.

What is weird, is that this reaction seems reversible. I had various mct-cbd mixes that turned pink upon exposure to LED lights… the color diseapeared after months of storrage in the dark. (I’d say at least two months).