Cannot find old post- guy made machine to empty material columns

I’m not sure if that was written to me^^
If so, that sock video wasn’t me, and I don’t get the 1k word thing lol

If it wasn’t for me, then I’m going back to eating this sandwich.

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How many words is a picture worth?

And yeah, I missed. That was aimed at the spoon return. @BG305 :rofl:


It all makes sense now :raised_hands:t2:

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That was my first stab at using the compressor so I recorded it incase things went Arai for “educational purposes”. I was using socks to " pull" the bio mass out easier. As far as the solvent I pump down to -15 always to ensure I recover all of my solvent so I’m not worried about combustion. Just shoot all of your bio mass into a 55 gallon drum to avoid a mess.

With the sock it was 6.5 #'s now I can get 7 if I want.

I use a 1 gallon air compressor rhat was a piece of shit and it would empty a 4x48 column in seconds. No need to spend money you dont have to


Your original post about this is what made me try it out. You are correct that it takes about 3 seconds to empty a 4x48" column. @Concentrated_humbold


Ya keenovo is the only way to go, 3cmepol couldn’t even touch how fast the wrap emptied it. The way i had mine set up was as soon as it was done pushing i would only recober from that column and it would be in the negatives in seconds and then a new one put on



This is about the simple list cheapest way that you can do it in it’s very simple You just run one of your lines from the regulator of a nitrogen tank and push from the top I haven’t changed anything and I just takeoff my bottom filters and put a trash bag underneath


It doesn’t matter if they are hot cold or wet either

In action


you know the old “saying”… sometimes you just have to step back from a process and occasionally re-assess what youre doing? Well the fact that ive suffered emptying tubes for this long without taking a day to rig something up, makes me feel like a dummy. I wouldnt call emptying tubes suffering per se, but i fuckin despise doing it and would love my job 104313 x more if i didnt have to stab the material out every hour. Im going to try the air compressor trick asap! I just need to figure out a way to connect the air line to my tube… Im sure a few thingamajigies here and a thingamabobble there should get it connected. Thanks for the inspiration folks…

also, tugboat, is that home made? Can you describe the build?


this will sound stupid… are you using actual nitrogen to push the material out? I dont have a nitro tank, but i do have a giant air compressor… again sorry if that sounded stupid and youre just some how utilizing the tank itself…

Yeah. Home design, shop fabbed. Air ram that has stroke to equal column length. And piece of hdpe machined down for a piston. Ran off the compressor that powers the Haskel.

A simple cap in your column size and a quick disconect for your air compressor hose. Nothing fancy.


So… hooked up a 150psi compressor to my column. I actually had a cap and a quick disconnect fitting that fit perfectly. But… It didn’t work :confused: felt all the air coming out the bottom but it never pushed anything out. My partner is now working on fabricating some type of ram press like tugboat made

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Make sure plenty of reinforcement under the table. Used 1½" square tube

Do you “pack” your material in? I’m loading 6.5-7 #'s in a 4x48" column. Sounds like your material is loose.

update. So. ive recently more than ever subscribed to the “step back and assess everything youre doing” theory… smart huh? Anyways. tube dumping was something ive despised for a long time since i used to empty tubes for some guy i worked for…It hurt my feelings thinking about having to stab and dump that tube every hour or whatever. My attempt to use a compressor failed. And full plans began for fabricating some type of ram piston hydraulic setup… and then i took a step back for a second and solved my issue of 3 years in 3 seconds…

I had a plastic mixing bit i used to experiment with a project a long time ago. Its very rigid and strong plastic mixer… multiple fins to scrape, and the fins extend over the end, as to not just have the round end rubbing against the flat material. Its approx 24" long. I can empty a 4x36 column in twenty seconds with this bit. The plastic does a great job of scraping the shit off the sides. And after wards, i use a buffer wheel on a long bit just like that, to quickly scrub away the walls of the tube. In under a minute the tube is emptied and the inside looks brand new. Caution to use brushless screwgun, and not to scrape the flange with the metal part.

I told cyclopath about this and he was entertainingly intrigued

by my idea and said he could never find a bit like this…

So… For those of you who want to stab yourself in the face when its tube dumping time, This bit can be found at home depot for a whopping 12 dollars. Along with some type of soft buffer wheel, 20 bucks will get you everything you need to dump up to a 48" column in under a minute.