Cannabis Schnapps (terp-shine)

Methanol production via CO2 hydrogenation is an important representative among the chemical
conversions of CO2 and offers challenging opportunities for sustainable development.
As a raw material, methanol constitutes the basis for the production of hundreds of
chemicals, such as formaldehyde, methyl tertbutyl ether (MTBE), acetic acid, methyl methacrylate,
dimethyl terephthalate, and olefins (ethylene and propylene), all basic chemical building blocks
for a number of common products [1]. Methanol can also be used as transportation fuel, as a fuel
cell hydrogen carrier, as well as in wastewater treatment or in electricity production. It is then an
excellent fuel and a key starting material of important industrial reactions [2]. In the recent years, also,
methanol is suggested as alternative for chemical energy carrier [3,4].
Generally, in industrial applications, methanol can be produced from syngas, a mixture of CO,
CO2 and H2 at 50–100 bar and 250 ◦C–300 ◦C, using copper and zinc-based catalyst [5,6]. These catalysts
are already active at 200 ◦C and selective towards the formation of H2 and CO2. Alternative routes
and its use as fuel and chemical are the core of methanol economy [4,7]. Pontzen et al. [8]
experimentally show that methanol can be produced from CO2 and H2 using conventional catalysts as
CuO/Al2O3/ZnO. However, studies show that the equilibrium yield of methanol from CO2 at 200 ◦C
and 50 bar is slightly less than 40%, whereas the yield from a mixture of CO2 and CO at the same
conditions is greater than 80% [9].
Processes 2018, 6, 20; doi:10.3390/pr6030020

What kind of apparatus would you use to do this on a small scale?

Has anyone tried to LLE the terps out of the ETO? Seems possible with enough rinses.

Into what?

Some are soluble in H2O, others only in solvents that would also grab the cannabinoids…

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I’ve drank it. Intoxication is typical for drinking 190-200 proof (riggidy wrecked) but also an intolerable headache.

You drank 190-200 proof ethanol?

Not very smart.

sipping whiskey!

sampled my terpshine many many times…
never tried more than a teaspoon or so at a time.

I’m not about to sip on 190+ proof anything. I have legal 110 proof store bought shine, and was tore the F up from drinking. Never again.

4 of us killed a jar 2 yrs back

they let us buy 190 from the liquor store in OR.

probably would have killed me as a vodka guzzling youngster, fortunately I grew out of that sort of idiocy before moving to OR.

EDIT: I do recall a short stint on the DPW ranch outside of Gerlach. When I got there, the two residents on site where adding grape kool-aide (powder) to 190proof. “when in Rome…:”. terrible idea!!


Pentane? It seems to have a good affinity for terps and is easy to distill. Maybe a counter flow LLE?

What about cooking with terp-shine like they do any other alcohol. Maybe it will leave a good aroma in certain foods.

Id guess you will lose half the terps to the atmosphere and the other half would degrade under heat

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There has to be a way. Some kind of low temp soak/evaporation. Maybe only the cannabinoids would be left behind?

When you flambeau food, your ignighting the liquor. Burning off the liquor leaving a suble flavor of the liquor. Imo, all the Terps will be gone

Chocolates filled with terpshine. Just a subtle amount. If those chocolates were thc infused that could get interesting.


I’m thinking the best method for an infused dish using terpshine would be to dissolve a tiny bit of RSO/distillate in the shine prior to adding it to your dish. @Demontrich I love the idea of a canna banana flambe as a dessert though if you could retain some of the aroma of the shine.

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terps + chocolate is awesome. My favorite easy edible is to decarb wax and mix with chocolate

You could totally hit a market with strain based individual chocolates. You can boof the people more and label them indica, sativa and hybrid.

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Sazerac Cocktail Recipe There’s room for terp-shine as an aromatic bitters substitute or partner in a drink like this

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