Can anyone quantify the Need for pH is making water clear?

Absolutely interested in your system. If you have an IG can you post it here or DM Me?

Thank you for the article, I’m reading through it now


I have a website coming online today or tomorrow


Just sent you a DM on IG. Really interested in seeing what you have going on. Thanks for the help everyone. I will report back

I’m using a 2L system so pretty small. Did you ahve any ideas why your oil was a little more tinted with thelarger SPD?

Yes probably the time exposed to heat. I also ran the 20l with a nitrogen blanket didn’t seem to help

Low and slow and take fractions. Provided your vacuum is deep enough and there are no leaks u can definitely get water clear ezpz

Where are you located? Happy to do a quick spd consultation with you. Should have it figured out in a shift


Three is a magic number in chemistry work. Three smaller volume washes are better than one large volume wash, for the reason stated in @Rowan 's post above. Usually after the third pull the return becomes small enough to ignore. Doing a fourth will almost always ensure you got what you’re after, and most legally enforced SOPs (think EPA drinking water methods) will require reps of 3, three extractions, three washes, etc.
but apply to each washing step. Alkaline, saline, water, etc.