Call to action: MORE Act Contact your Federal Senators

I’m just saying let’s not praise one of the two pieces of shit for what will probably turn out to be a much larger screwing for all of us than the other piece of shit would ever think of doing to us because they don’t consider us a valuable political pawn, and hence don’t toy with us in the same manner.

What’s better, the dude you know is gonna stick a knife in your back, or the guy who pretends he’s your friend only to screw you when you’re the most vulnerable?

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No, you sound like a trump-tard or some clowns who think getting rid of my constitutional rights(like the other guys you hate, also trying to take our constitutional rights away)
Goddamn, a cannabis forum and muthafuckas are posting their Republicans are cool/democrats do it better shit
I understand Democrats have it a little easier because as a general rule they are smarter than republicans, but how smart are you if you support muthafuckas stealing your rights?
Ok, ok, nobody likes me and I need to shut up…but look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are attempting to be a slave

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Don’t legalize it. Keep it medical


The more I read about this, the mess I like it. Stiff penalties for not paying taxes. I can absolutely see a scenario where State licensed operators are shut down under this Federal legislation.


Dude we need to chat. Let’s link up and do a podcast

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That’s an interesting take on “they’re both pieces of shit.”

When it come to taking your rights the dems lead the way bro. Aren’t any republicans coming after our guns. Who’s working hard to silence free speech? It’s not republican led companies restricting what people can say online.

What constitutional rights are republicans working to take away from you?

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Actually the democrat pieces of dog shot are trying to take the right to keep and arm bears, and keep and bear arms. Both fundamental rights of Americans!
The piece of dog shot republicans are trying to inhibit the 4th amendment and the pigs who all vote republican try to make people give up their 5th ammendment actually the pigs are taught the constitution and try to get people to waive their rights but I digress
The republicans also attempt to violate the 1st ammendment but blame democraps for doing the same
Anyways fuck them both, I gotta get to work

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He who does nothing is often most hated


Short of yelling fire in a crowded theater, I’m gonna ask you to site your source for republicans trying to restrict free speech. You’re talking out your ass there brother. Site an example of a Republican calling speech they don’t like violence. Or better yet republicans coming out and asking corporations to silence views they don’t agree with. Or facts they don’t want revealed…

Unanimous decision by supreme court which allowed the federal government to control any economic activity that affects interstate commerce. The supreme court gave fdr the power so he would not pack the court. This case essentially gave the federal government to regulate all economic activity, when they could only regulate interstate economic activity before.

This was the most important case in us history, which gutted the states and its citizens. Economic activity is the truest form of speech. When I tell you I love your business, and don’t spend any money with you it’s a lie.

The sister case to wickard v filburn , was Gonzales vs Raichu.

Giving the federal government complete control over our nations economy, when the constitution originally forbade it, ultimately neutralizes all of our rights. Arguably the most important right we have is to make a living. If you feel powerless, afraid for your ability to survive, almost all other rights seem pale in comparison. Why do you think we have up so many rights during covid. Fearing for your financial future turns most men into mice


the right to keep and arm bears, and keep and bear arms. Both fundamental rights of Americans!

Facts, @_joe


The MORE act has been passed several times in the house…it never passes the senate.

There is a republican bill out there that just removes it from the controlled substances act and leaves everything else up to the states


SAFE Banking has a good chance of passing before June, but MORE has close to a 0% chance. The taxes are too high and the social equity stuff doesn’t fly with many Dems, much less any Republicans. Though it is pretty crazy to see Pelosi & Lindsay Graham now supporting decrim and medical, they must be loading up on potstocks.


There is no Safe banking without getting rid of 280E. It’s the ultimate green tax.


Just because something is fundamental doesn’t mean it will be protected. Before the supreme court restablished the right to bear arms in Chicago, your rights to bear arms in your home were limited. Federal judges matter much more then our elected reps. Our elected leaders regularly shit on the constitution, if the judges don’t stop them, our rights mean nothing.

Who watches the watchmen?


100%, but pretty much the only reason why SAFE is being lobbied hard by MSOs is so that they can get debt from banks at like 5% or so interest instead of the current 8-15%. Even if they continue to get taxed at a 70-90% tax rate, smaller players will bleed out quicker and they can accelerate consolidation before fed legalization

I don’t know the solution, only that the current lobbying strategy isn’t working out for smaller operators… everyone & their mother has a trade association now and refuses to work together with anyone else