Butane or ethanol?

I suggest starting with this Ethanol Extraction White Paper

Either the CUP or the Ace will out pace a rotovap in short order if you are pushing them properly. Assuming you run the same solvent over your biomass 3 or 4 times, you’re looking at 2.5gal for every 10lb of cannabis you process. At 8lb for the CUP15 or 10lb for the ACE15, processed in say 20min, you’re looking at upwards of 50gal per 8hr shift. Marginal or not possible in a 50l rotovap in my opinion. (I should probably check the hard data that my minion gathered in that last week…)

Possible in as little as 3hrs in a 50gal moonshine still.

As far as price? Budget $120-$150k for an FFE that can get you back your solvent in better than real time (ie actually keep up and then some)…30l hr should suffice for the CUP. Might need a hair more for the Ace30. We’re hoping to pair the Ace 30 with a 150-200l/hr FFE once we hit our stride.

You can also get just the steel for only a couple of grand out of China if you’re good at that sort of thing