Butane Contaminant Demystified


GasLogix/Cortland aren’t affiliated with Solvent Direct. They’re great at what they do (thanks in large part to @BigM), but this particular project wasn’t a collaboration.


A gas supplier is praising another gas supplier!?! I am in love with this community right now.


Who’d have thunk it?! @BigM in on the love too.


I would love to say we were part of the team that cracked the code first, but we were not. All credit goes to @Dukejohnson, @GasLogix-Adam, Rami, and the rest of their team.

We are still actively researching the issue and looking for ways to fix it. Any cooperation in our efforts to help move the industry forward is still greatly appreciated. While we are now armed with the knowledge of what is causing the issues, we still need to find the cure. We will continue to strive for ways to ensure the highest purity gas possible and eliminate any issues.

Thank you to everyone who has been working on this mystery and sharing with the community. We can all level up together if we stay focused on the bigger picture. :slight_smile:


wow, nice work to all of you guys :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2:


So you can fast crash in pentane just by adding a drop of methanol? Seems like a potentially industrially interesting option.


i read it as taking credit not giving praise , one of solvent directs reps hit me up on LI and was like “look what we did” lol


this was my take away as well, who wants to wait for slow ass jars when you can chalk it out fast and rex in pentane

faster than a cold crash it seems like


From what im reading it seems like methanol is the part that alters the lattice structure from cubic to face-centered cubic but DEA is what encourages the quick crashing.

@Dukejohnson how exactly did you guys determine that the lattice structures were cubic and face-centered in the different scenarios?


All this hard work and no one has offered any of these guys a handjob yet…

Very disappointed in this community, so unprofessional


DEA ruined my diamond game :rofl:


That may be my fault for getting excited about the news and going on about this thread this morning while we were also discussing our latest blog post. Basically, I told my coworkers that Duke and team have figured this out, and may have created too much excitement about the news. If anything regarding this thread was shared with you by my colleague, I’m sure it was just to share information.

Just to reiterate, we had no part in the team that developed these findings. I apologize if anyone was led to believe anything else. There is plenty of business to go around that we don’t need to resort to shady practices to gain more customers. This was all @Dukejohnson and @GasLogix-Adam.


I read the solvent direct post as their opportunity to try and poach of others hard work. Lex told me for months it was our process, his gas was clean, his cup is clean. Now the last few months they have been “working on a solution” I kinda find as bs. No-one from solvent direct helped any of the people that spend the time and money trying to figure this out. Solvent direct helped push bad gas for months. The solvent distributors should go after their suppliers for ruining their reputation. All the damn distributors that sold gas for years (ive been getting butane since 2013 in tanks) that worked exactly the same all the way until 2021. It shows to me they had no real testing on the gas they were buying. Seems all the distributors cared about was selling gas and blabbing about how well they clean their tanks.


That’s exactly right.

And yes, me being absolutely blown away that information and technology that has been around for almost a decade is new information to others.

This has been discovered, and solved. More than once. Its like saying you invented bell bottom jeans.

Maybe, the people who have this stuff all figured out and have had it figured out should be the ones making inhaled products for people. And those of you learning the basics can stick to smoking your own until it’s safe to put in the market.

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Seems like you are trying to take advantage of others hard work while not admitting on your new update on your site that the problem IS bad gas you and others are supplying

i thought 99% of your solvents didnt have this issue to be begin with

words on here are cheap, credit them on your article if you feel that way and let the world know it was a different gas company that figured this out.

Can you provide a citation for where this problem existed in cannabis processing in 2012 and someone solved it?


Nice read! And this is why I frequent this community! Big Congratulations to all the parties involved in finding this out and linking with whoever!


I apologize for the timing of our blog post coinciding with Dukejohnson’s findings. Truth is, we had no idea this thread had been created at the time we posted our blog. I did know that there were findings that would be released very soon, but did not know they had been released.

I can concur that the timing makes it look like we were trying to take credit for the findings, but if you read the article you will not find any claims of having figured this out. Yes, we said we can’t conclusively say it is a contaminant in the gas, but we definitely didn’t say it isn’t a contaminant in the gas. We even listed some possible contaminants.

We have made no claims of a solution in our blog or elsewhere. We are still looking for labs to partner with to push the knowledge of the issue further. Had I seen this thread before posting our latest blog, I would have definitely added info and credit from the findings.


This is dense reading, sorry if I missed something. So are these the main points:

  1. Methanol contaminant source is the adsorbent medias, not the extraction solvents?

  2. You did an experiment where you added methanol to crystallization mother liquor and it made medusas?

Can you elaborate on point 2? I’m trying to understand what you did to replicate the medusa issue.

Great work!

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