Bigger, better, more auto-magic?

@MathewScott: I could ask this as a DM, but I’m hoping you’ll work the math for the whole class (also hoping the savages haven’t driven you off).

Suggests that these 2kVA transformers labeled 220-> 380 volts



might the correct way to power this VFD at 380V

so it will power the 30HP 480V motor on my new toys?

Based on your math above these transformer seem like that might be their intended job…if so they got separated from the centrifuges somewhere.

I’ve got one for each new fuge, and the voltages would make every thing work.

If they are not the right tool for the job, I might go straight to a new VFD, then get a panel built around it

The electrician on the task could probably solve it with some digging, and I’m gonna try working the math myself in just a little bit
