BHO Chromium Heavy Metal Remediation

In what aspect?

The first test would be a magnet. I have ran across several hundred pieces of “high-quality” stainless from China that were Ferrous. High Quality stainless should always be non-ferrous and void of any iron.

The only option besides a magnet would be visual. Checking for weld quality, porosity issues with the purging or internal welds, suck-back, fitment, all would be visual indicators towards the quality.

Feel free to post pictures if you have any questions!


Well I have a magnetic flashlight and it doesn’t stick to the steel tanks but it sticks to my column rack

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ETS makes steel now?

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I actually have an xray report from metallurgy or something like that for my tanks. I should find that

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that checks for internal cracks etc

xrf is used to determine the elemental composition of materials

china swaps out what you buy for cheap shit like its a SOP

most pharma companies have been so burned by this practice they moved mfg to india so now the chinese mostly just have weed and brewery/kombucha/coffee people to scam with their vessels


All of ETS’ Cylinders and Tank heads are made in the states…


This is pretty awesome experimental planning, @borysses ! I’d love to confer with you over your lab notes and analytical data! I might even be interesting in a joint project, if you’re willing! Please see DM! :nerd_face:

Ride eternal @cyclopath …now cumm’ere and let me spraypaint your teeth! :rofl:

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Phased array ultrasound and penetrant testing seem to be the standard methods of NDT for stainless nowadays

Liquid Penetrant Testing for Stainless Steel Flanges.

P/T is a good cheap way to periodically inspect stuff

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Yeah man. We have 5 products going thru bioethical commity to allow usage on humans in trials focused on alternatives to opioid pain killers and another 8 going thru cell cultures trials (lung and colon cancer). Today I got quite interesting info regarding terpenes. Looks like hummulene is promoting cancer cell growth, d-limonene as well but not as much and myrcene is kiling cancer cells.


Dude! We need to TALK! :nerd_face:

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That’s really, really interesting

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that is awesome!



Rolly-pollies hold onto cadmium maybe…but remediation prolly isn’t their thing…