Best chiller under 12k watts

Looking for the most reliable chiller out there for 2 jacketed coils…under 12k watts…8==D~~♡

For cooling solvent or for recovering solvent?

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Polyscience, what you need to actually look for is amp draw. The wattage depends how efficient the chiller is for kw heat removal. What are you trying to hook it up to and what temps are you managing.

We need one to chill coils for recovery. Ambient work space temp is 75, we have 60 amps to work with and are using a 70/30propane blend.

What temp 0c?

DISREGARD UNLESS YOU’RE RECOVERING PURE N-BUTANE (-5C is not cold enough to condense blends)

Don’t listen to Elliot, what you need to look for is the rated cooling power in kW.

Cold-Shot sells a chiller for $8,000 that is 2 tons of cooling or about 6.8kW. And it cools down to -5C.



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That would be a hard sell to condense/recover a 70/30 mixture. The key is looking for the cooling capacity @ certain temps.

To get an idea of whats out there and the costs, check out across internations chiller section which state cooling capacities nicely.

Check out this post for the advanced calculation: The ULTIMATE chiller calculator thread - #6 by hambread


Oof, yeah the 70/30 won’t work with the chiller I posted. n-Butane only.

Sorry about that.


Not understanding what the issue qould be at -5… ive ran just ice on my coils with a 70/30 blend and have been able to recover fine.

with a pump or passive?


Just hack together a ghetto ass unit from a 12k BTU AC, cooler, and pumps, bc you know ya ass over budget!!

Over budget? Ha. You must have aids.

Yeah just need some post pump cooling changes things, not sure what ya’d need, best best is asking what others who run the same pumps use.


Sorry your reply was just stupid and very aidsy. 8==D~~:heart::heart::heart: still love u tho.