At what proof

So I can redistil my ethanol to make it a higher proof again? Is there a tech on that here on the forum?

Just google simple distillation. its a very basic easy concept. You want to run temps low enough to evaporate mostly just the ethanol first then eventually the majority of the water will be left since it has a higher boiling point. You can increase your separation by looking into fractional distillation.

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So I would be able to use a rotovap or my short path to redistill the ethanol put of the water, since I can control the temperature with my spd, I jjsy figure out the boiling temp of ethanol and just let her distil im assuming then the ethanol will seperate from the water in the ethanol and bam ive got reproofed ethanol

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I wonder if anyone has tried to use their wiped film to reproof


Yes, and to help increase the separation add more surface area. like a common vigreux column to start.


My Chinese 8” got lots of surface area


No reason it wouldnt work well as you have a lot of surface area and control of temps and vac.

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ish. you don’t have much in the way of reflux capability in either of those. ideally you want a purpose built device. a different head & condenser on your SPD boiling flask would get you there.

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I dunno? how would I figure that out?

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Building a thing would be pretty trivial. Although energy wise; drying beads to deal with 5-8% water is cheaper than distilling huge volumes of solvent and water.

If you’re gonna spend $500-2500 on a redistilling apparatus (not sure on volumes you need). You should just spend the $$ on a used kitchen oven and some beads.