I don’t know how often you are wanting to do these tests. But - you could consider checking out local colleges with chemistry programs, who often have HPLCs that could do this work.
I imagine the medical facilities have some kind of testing for their in-house work - perhaps you could chat them up.
Also - there’s quite a few of us on here who have purchased old school GCs and HPLCs on ebay and what not. I bought my most recent GC for $350 and it can now do residual solvents, potency, and some pesticides.
Check out this thread - I bought a thing!: Adventures with a 20-year-old GCMS
You probably even have some in Hawaii - so you could save on shipping. I don’t mind helping you get whatever you find figured out. Or helping talk to the local chemistry departments - who are often way cooler about these things than you might expect.