I once froze carts and they oxidized almost overnight, any idea why?
Ive never frozen cartridges before so idk. How did you package them prior to freezing?
@qma you know anyone freezing carts?
what kind of carts where those?
Vac sealed and Jupiter CCell.
Keep in mind that there is gas dissolved in the oil. It’s advisable for long term storage to allow the inert gas in the vessel headspace to equilibrate, then vacuum it out and replace it a couple times. Also, always store under slight positive pressure, that way any leaking will be out and not in. Probably excessive but it’s not that hard anyways
Mason jar lid
2 ports/attachments (check vales). Hook up 1 port to n2, other to air. Open n2 valve, forces air out of mason jar and backfill with n2.???
This is my brain on distillate.
Sounds like a plan in my head for those w/o a vac oven and use a Mason jar lid vacuum attachment like I do.
Pretty solid way to do it honestly. Look up cannula transfer and you basically have the idea
When porsche introduced nitrogen on their cars, they had 2 valve stems. At least on the 911/cayene/Carrera gt cars. This allowed us at the dealership to sweep all the o2 for nitrogen.