at -40C, your process doesn’t technically qualify as “cryogenic”, but in this industry misusing terms is par for the course…so that’s not particularly relevant.
with appropriate packing, the Pinnacle system should get decent extraction efficiencies, without follow up in a centrifuge, you’re going to lose solvent, or tincture. if you lose tincture, you’re losing cannabinoids. the only Pinnacle system I’ve seen in action was set up in a shipping container in such a fashion to be almost unusable (not enough over head room to load or unload efficiently).
The lab in question purchased a centrifuge to get more solvent out of their biomass, but purchased a fuge that wouldn’t take the bags their Pinnacle used. they also shot themselves in the foot by chilling their solvent to -40C, then running it through 100+’ of 1.5" stainless tube that actually passed through their boiler room!!
when you say 1400lb centrifuge, what exactly does that weight signify? eg: I ran a 900lb centrifuge that processes 10lb of biomass at a time: Cold ethanol pumps - #11 by cyclopath
do you have pictures? IMO extracting in the centrifuge makes way more sense than loading and unloading bags from the pinnacle then loading and unloading them from the centrifuge.
but then I’m biased…