Well that’s not completely accurate. I’ve never tasted bitter Cannabis in my life unless it was infused with terpenes extracted from fruit peels. Taste buds are not a myth, no one is salting their French fries to make them smell better. And I can definitely tell if a “lemon” strain is authentic or infused,not always by smell, but always by taste.
Speaking of the flavor categories (add umami and oleogustus to the list), the thing I find missing from synthetic Cannabis concoctions, (aside from imbalanced and unrelated combinations of cannabinoids and terpenoids that render the product medicinally useless) is rather obvious: literally, it’s flavor compounds, such as sugars and acids. It’s really no different than food. Do lemons get their sour flavor from limonene, or organic acids? What about strawberries? (ellagic acid and others) Grapefruit? (Grapefruit mercaptan). What terpene give sugar its flavor, betasugarene? What about salt? Alphasaltanene?
I know the only good blueberry I’ve smoked smelled exactly like “a skunk who lives in a blueberry patch and has eaten nothing but blueberries his entire life” according to everyone who experienced it, and it tasted like gourmet sour blueberry candy fit for a royal brat. Yet Cannabis infused with blueberry terpenes has no flavor, burns your throat, and can only be smelled at point blank. Real blueberries can even pick up soil flavors just like Cannabis (although I’m not quite sure why this happens, any time it happens to my grow the dirt smell cures out to a candy smell and flavor), and when dehydrated will fill the air with the smells. Really don’t
I personally do appreciate the lingering exhale flavor offered up by the sinus after vaporizing some homegrown, but that lip smacking tongue coating sweetness, sourness (or meatyness if your into those strains), is definitely activating taste buds. My mouth goes raw from vaping sour strains all day, just like eating sour straw or sour skittles. Natural concentrate will do it. Perfumed concentrate, the inspiration for my satirical moniker, won’t do it.
Sometimes, well all the time, when vaporizing well cured high Brix organic bud, it even feels like taste buds in the stomach are being woken up,making you feel like you’ve just eaten a tub of gourmet cake frosting. I would have Chrons if it was for that stomach magic of traditional hash. My stomach problems vanished when I started getting it from Spain. These days it’s the vaporizer, I rely on that “sugar” sensations of organically grown resin. It doesn’t come from terpenes, and there’s not enough of it in hydroponic herb.
Too bad these discussions always lead nowhere, due to the fallible impression that terpenes are distinctive of Cannabis. Terpene hype is holding Cannabis back and misdirecting researchers extractors and grower. It’s as bad as Thc/Cbd hype. The most abundant molecules, but far from the most potent. I know the way I grow, sub irrigation with lactic acid teas, is bringing up some other cannabinoids that are more potent than Thc.
What about lactones? Has anyone tested a peaches and cream strain for decalactone? What about amines? Simply because they aren’t terpenes we have to ignore medicinally valuable strains like Cat Piss, Sewer Moss and Space Queen? Why is the common rotting fruit smell attributed to fresh smelling terpenes? Babyshit comes in 3 varieties, fruit milk and carmel, all amazing, yet the closest you’ll find in a store is some nasty bud sprayed with various biofungicides.
I think if clean high Brix organic Cannabis was more commonplace, people would catch on to the truth that terpenes cannot be used to recreate the experiences or the medical properties of authentic Cannabis,and that something called Dogshit can actually tastes like amazing candy. I’m honestly tired of hearing people call bud “skunky” that smells like neem oil and bud rot,but that’s all most people know these days, now that legalization is creepy in, sad.