Apeks Supercritical Co-Solvent Ethanol Injection Module Coming in June

The pump utilized In the module, or extractor systems, are not designed/rated for light hydrocarbons. I assume that’s what you’re going after?

Awesome. With 35 pounds of material, we’ve seen yields ranging from 2-3 kg of crude. If the cups were twice as big in volume we wouldn’t have any problems.

Regarding the ethanol module, are you saying this tech wouldn’t work with our current duplex setup?

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Thanks for the info. No, i am saying if you tried to use just the ethanol collection cup add on without using the injection module it would not work. I’ll pass this info off to engineering Monday. Stay safe. Talk again soon.

@ApeksDeltaNate Will there be a dynamic axial compression unit for loading material vessels?

@tweed Tweed, we do not have any plans for automated compression for loading of extraction vessels. We recommend loading and using a tamper to compact with moderate manual pressure ever few inches of loading. Over packing with too much pressure can result in clogging of the machine and reduce the efficiency of extraction. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

@Wheezyrotunda We are working on addressing this very issue with some future system changes but I do not have a timeline for engineering completing but it is being addressed. Sorry, I don’t have a quick fix or a definable timeline for this issue. However, we are working on it. Let me know if you have any other questions.

CXE on a cyclonic separator is going to a problem.

Ethanol is the least interesting solvent to combine with Co2, especially for a Class A solvent.

Supercritical cycles using cosolvents only make sense if you can’t store much solvent. It’s basically the quality of a ethanol extraction but with equipment that breaks and cost 10x as much.

Quality runs using CXE requires a liquid extraction system not a dense phase gas system.


Thanks for stopping in and sharing your opinion Jon, If you don’t mind I have a couple of questions for you…

What is the problem with Co2 and ethanol in a cyclonic separator?

We are also Delta Separations now so we offer both ethanol only solutions as well as co2. Our Co-solvent module is optional and versatile. Its a fraction of the cost of a co2 system and can double the throughput while retaining the ability to do terp and cannabinoid runs without it. The operator has the option to use it when they want to and to leave it off when they don’t.

Thanks and Best of luck selling your co2 and ethanol extraction systems!!! Cheers!