Alot of larger distros are expecting product on consignment now to carry new products because of saturation. They need to see products move before committing to anything beyond that.
Most shops that we’ve taken our THCO carts to end up picking more up. I make up a crap ton of sample boxes with a few of our products, price lists and contact info and drop them off at smoke shops.
That being said, there’s plenty of money to be made white labeling D8 carts for $3 each also. We’re moving into a larger facility next week and investing alot of time into building out a white/private label business.
look at any of the COAs for brands like extrax. THCP carts with like…1% THCp and then maybe 60% total THC/Cannabinoids and then 40% of who the fuck knows what.
One of my approaches for actual smoke shops is to sit down and show this shit to them. 90% of this business is marketing and education. The other 10% is hopefully not killing anyone…
I have thought about this(and tried it on the traditional side with not much success) the problem is the people at the end of the day.
The people at these gas stations and smoke shops, do not care what is being sold, even if they were told. Sure a few will feel guilty, stop selling them altogether or swap to the cleaner alternative. Most will stop altogether as the cleaner alternative wouldn’t be worth it due to money and demand. Customers want cheap Cake/fake packaged bullshit products that is, as you put, 1% THCP rest is D9 or other noids or not even cannabis related at all. Filler.
The ones who stop will only be filled by the ones who, now realize or don’t at all realize still, while still not caring about whats being sold. It’s another sale to them and not the other guy. Issue to me, is people. Once the demand for this stuff is gone, the people will demand something different. Cleaner or dirtier, hopefully most recognize the dangers and demand clean so the standards in the industry will change to adapt to the demand change. But that will never happen unless custys stop being custys.
It is the same thing with your average DTLA trapper
Assume they are making 200% profit margins and negotiate ur price accordingly. If u cant make a couple bucks when they make 200% then its not worth it.
Packaging needs to look semi proffesional and u need a place for a barcode for them to scan in.
The easier u make it for them to sell it, the easier it is for u to get on their shelf.
90% of the products in gas station and corner stores are from people who know the owner or stock manager.
Maybe find out where they like to drink on the weekends and buy them a drink.
Free samples to the stoner looking employees goes well too, if they have all their workers saying its good and they would buy it then they already have some of their inventory sold for.
Smoke shops are hard, they act nice but hardlt ever let u in
How hot for D9 and what products typically? I’m interested in some potentially affordable medicine…although what worries me then is what else is in the hemp carts…
Ive seen people slanging d9 carts as d8 hemp derived carts in smoke shops for about 3 years now.
No one is retesting them and they end up selling better than the d8 carts
They don’t give a single fuck about anything but price unless your product has an advantage in some way that increases volume. Even then, you’d have to front them a 10 pack to prove it.
Ispire’s hardware did get us that advantage though!