Amish D8 is real and I have proof

I know, I’m just having fun.

I used to live in Sarasota, FL which has an abundant Amish community. Their baked goods are absolutely delicious and the bakery and sales counter absolutely used electricity.


I have some family in Amish country and there’s a pretty wide spectrum to how Amish people use electricity/technology. Their whole philosophy is that technology isolates and drives people apart from each other, so if any devices have the potential to harm in-person interactions with their family + community, they avoid them.

That being said, most Amish people will have a landline phone in the house for emergencies, and less strict adherents even use mechanized farm equipment like tractors.

An example that everyone can see are the reflective triangles that they have on the backs of their buggies so they’re more visible to motorists.

Someone already replied to you saying essentially these points, my bad.


Near me they have giant $20k zero turn mowers, because they use them for operating a lawn service.

They also operate puppy mills and claim a religious exemption to animal cruelty laws. Never buy a dog from the amish if you object to such things.



W th d8mish

Cant find the delta on my phone lol


I saw them get busted with a few keys in the buggy, dont doubt them there serious. There into everything and you will go missing poking your nose around. Alot of outdoor is done in those cornfields


Please expound…hate is a powerful 4 letter word.

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I agree, dislike is a better word to use. Their lack of paying taxes, traffic inconvenience from driving their buggy on public roads they have not paid for and lack of genetic variance. I know a number of people who have been offered money to “breed” with their daughters. Fucking gross! And don’t even get me started on their hygiene. Again, this is a generalization and does not apply to all Amish people. I like to paint pictures with a broad brush.


Sounds like they’ve got it all figured out! I can attest to the daughter offerings… at least they give a dowry. I grew up with two guys who took up those offers and were given some great farmland+livestock.


Damn I could use some land haha


Damn I wish I knew they were that generous back in the day. I’d be sitting on some property in western Pennsylvania right now!


Stumbled upon this in rural PA a few years ago. Rolled up an amish doink straight in amish.


Hahahahahahahah comment of the week.


This has to be the best thread in weeks :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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What’s wrong with the Amish now? They make great tub butter, pies, cheeses and good produce. They mill out puppies like no other, super cheap! The meth they make is pretty good and that makes me think the d8 good. It’s a perfect society for white men. 4:30am Time for milking. Rape daughter/sister eat breakfast at 5:30 erect a barn before noon eat lunch. Rape mother/grandmother and then go sell heroin/meth to English. Have dinner at 4:30, do it all again the next day. The ramspringa video I posted was filmed in Lancaster Pa by a childhood friend and more then half of the people in the video are dead from dope. So they probably have good heroin too!


They breed the shit outta horses too in Lancaster

That county is about 45 mins from where I stay in MD with family. Been to tracker pulls and shit up there.

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I know. My grandparents were 4H leaders for over 50 years. My grandfather was a house show announcer. I’ve seen some weird shit man!


I’m 44. I wish I left that place when I was legal. I grew up between Philly and Lancaster. It’s so backwards there! I only escaped 6 years ago so I’m still healing.


My local cannabis festival was this weekend and I unfortunately missed it due to being out of town. Looks like these guys were back this year



Never had the pleasure to meet any in PA. Georgia mostly. And my Family comes from Williamsport to St Marys area… genuinely surprised to never see PA amish