abracaDABra------official Count down to the magic WAND



How much are they. Send me a sample. I’ll put it threw it’s paces. Lol.

I’ll even pass it on to another member after a month so you can get more reviews on it!


Please pass me some gaskets first!!!


So far im really liking this thing. Versatile… ended up getting an extra 14mm so i can switch between flower and concentrates. Im wondering if the cups can handle vapor pearls?

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I like induction heating. I used to get to play with induction bearing heaters that the navy didn’t use anymore…its like being a kid all over again when you’re in a machine shop with a material stock rack and a pile of induction heaters…

I’m looking forward to trying this device. I think the heating method is quite clever.


We love it that you like it. @Killa12345 Just a couple of days. It will be available soon. :wink:


I’d test one too @Liam84 looks cool!


Well i put a small pearl in… its working well enough I think it is at least. Im gonna try cleaning it later. Looks simple enough.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

What is MSRP looking like?

200 usd afaik

wow! realy cool unit :smiley: so far I have tested diamonds, hash and flower with some different settings.
will do some more testing and leave a summarized review with some photos.


Very nice isnt it? I wish it fit 10mm but i get why it doesnt 14 mm is more common. Did you have a 14mm already.

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Yes, very interesting, and very nice. heats up fast, and can realy squeeze out some nice milk from hash :drooling_face: many different ways you could use it, so I will have a big sesh soon, hahaha :yum:
One thing I have found out is, beware with flower and hash so you don’t combust. as this divice easily can do if you would want to.
Yes, my main rig is 14mm :smiley: to bad you dont have a adaptor to your 10mm already, hope you get it soon! btw, how are 10mm rigs compared to bigger joint sizes?


What happen to the countdown

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3 days to go.


I get better vapor condensing with 10mm. Thats why i like it usually smaller pieces too. But yeah i burned my flower first go. I use 350 now seems to work on that temp in my environment.
I mean 450f


Cool, that’s what I thought. may look in to that :slight_smile: my rig is quite big, I like that it gets a little smother imo when the rig is bigger and vapor mixes with more cool air I guess. the smaller rigs I have tried i have got water in my mouth and vapor feels hotter som how. maby I can find a good compromise.
haha, me too, had to do a quick wash of my rig so it diddent start tasting/smelling smoke :stuck_out_tongue:
350 farenheight?


Yeah i meant 450f sorry


haha, ok so 350 celcius for flower? :slight_smile: isn’t that a little high? even for dab I think 350C is a little hot, but hits good, haha.