100% THC Free?

Been getting asked the question a lot is your product 100% THC Free. To what place is considered guaranteed 100% THC free? For someone who is a very heavy user of CBD oil, would never have that fear, that if they ate enough of it that they would never fail a drug test. Labs have this standard of NDT for CBD oil as 0.00mg/g or 0.00ppm but is that 100% THC free. Is there an actual demand for 100% chromatography remediation that tests in low ppt for THC as a premium service over just standard chromatography remediation of THC.

This is a great topic and is a discussion of nomenclature because of the lack of testing standardization.

One lab may test at non-detectable, the other may test at 5%. Even the same sample at the same lab can yield drastically different results. In the next year or so the shitty labs will fade away.

Fundamentally we need more accurate testing because now what makes labs “good” is that they match results from botanacor, juniper etc but really how accurate are those labs???!!

In my opinion THC free should be considered below 0.3% and should be synonymous with “federally compliant” because this is typically what clients want. They want to be able to ship around the US and internationally. This oil is sufficient enough to dilute down and make an extremely low ppm level of THC product for the end consumer.

Any “beauty” company calling you to see if you can get below 100 parts per BILLION is smoking crack and they do not understand the situation, no piece of analytical chemistry instrument can test for levels this low in a complicated mixture of compounds such as cannabis oil. Your best bet is to say yes and fill their contract with non-detect material and avoid explaining science to them because they will think your incompetent due to their ignorance.

I advise all people considering cbd oil not to consume if their job is at risk if they fail a drug test. Many of you would object to this but I am not a smelly hippy like many of you (lol i love you). But really, unless you have gnarly seizures that allow you not to work, typically your job is not worth the risk, unless you have a shitty job.

All in all, this is a discussion of verbage and definitions that the industry has not ironed out, I guarantee (by contract) my processing end product to be federally compliant but most of the time it is non-detectable in THC isomers (besides cbd of course). I do this because i morally object to telling people it is completely 100% THC free because i am sure there is at least 1 PPB THC in there but the majority, especially you brokers out there with only a few brain cells left, cannot comprehend this concept.


Under the typical 50 ng/mL cutoff for THC in the United States, an occasional or on-off user would be very unlikely to test positive beyond 3–4 days since the last use, and a chronic user would be unlikely to test positive much beyond 7 days. Using a more sensitive cutoff of 20 ng/mL (less common but still used by some labs), the most likely maximum times are 7 days and 21 days, respectively.[5] In extraordinary circumstances of extended marijuana use, detection times of more than 30 days are possible in some individuals at the 20 ng/mL cutoff.[6]

However, every individual is different, and detection times can vary due to metabolism or other factors. It also depends on whether actual THC or THC metabolites are being tested for, the latter having a much longer detection time than the former. THC (found in marijuana) may only be detectable in saliva/oral fluid for 2–24 hours in most cases.[citation needed]

The main metabolite excreted in the urine is 11-nor-delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (delta9-THC-COOH). Most THC drug tests yield a positive result when the concentration of marijuana in urine exceeds 50 ng/mL.[citation needed] Urine Testing is an immunoassay based test on the principle of competitive binding. Drugs which may be present in the urine specimen compete against their respective drug conjugate for binding sites on their specific antibody. During testing, a urine specimen migrates upward by capillary action. A drug, if present in the urine specimen below its cut-off concentration, will not saturate the binding sites of its specific antibody. The antibody will then react with the drug-protein conjugate and a visible colored line will show up in the test line region of the specific drug strip.[citation needed]

Cannabis use is included in the “10-panel urine screen”, as well as the “SAMHSA-5”, the five drugs tested for in standard NIDA approved drug tests.

False positives have been known to be triggered by consuming hemp-seed bars and other products, although the more detailed, more expensive gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GCMS) test can tell the difference.[citation needed]

In 2011, researchers at John Jay College of Criminal Justice reported that dietary zinc supplements can mask the presence of THC and other drugs in urine. Similar claims have been made in web forums on that topic.[7] However, a 2013 study conducted by researchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine refute the possibility of self-administered zinc producing false-negative urine drug tests.[8]

Common known pharmaceutical drugs which cause false positives in instant THC dip tests include:[citation needed]

Cannabis is detectable by saliva testing. Just like blood testing, saliva testing detects the presence of parent drugs and not their inactive metabolites. This results in a shorter window of detection for cannabis by saliva testing.[18] Delta 9 THC is the parent compound. If a saliva sample is tested in a lab, the detection level can be as low as 0.5 ng/mL (up to 72 hours after intake)[19] and if an onsite instant saliva drug test is used, the cut off level is generally 50 ng/mL (up to 12 hours after intake).[citation needed] Per National Institute on Drug Abuse saliva drug testing provides a reasonable alternative to other drug testing methods.[20]


I’m actually a principal owner in Remediation lab that is a Greenfield Company out of the pharmaceutical industry. Because of the Attogram levels of clean required in out of the pharmaceutical industry my partners are pushing for us to be able to offer a true 100 % THC remediation service. Just not sure if there really is that type of demand to be able to guarantee 100% clean products.

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My point is, no one in the industry can consistently test for such low levels so i stead of making claims that cannot be back by analytical data i would rather inspire a new thought to admit we cannot measure these cannabinoids and deal with it, rather than pretending like you are someone useful from pharma who can produce these results.

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100% is a moving and almost non existent target. You are almost always limited by the equipment used for testing. The goal should be never failing which requires the lowest limit at 5ng/mL that you get with GC-MS.