Working with Delta8 without heating

CBD Distillate is easy - we crystalize into patties (pancakes) so it’s easy to break up and measure out. This D8 is a different animal. We only work with about 50 to 100 grams at a time, so I don’t want to heat up the whole jar just to get this small amount out to avoid oxidation. We have been “scooping” it out and putting it in the beaker for heating, but its taffy like consistency is challenging. Any tricks to know besides heating the whole jar up? Thanks for any ideas.

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Volumetric dosing is pretty close, I think. 1ml is roughly a gram.

I would preheat my clean tools that are 50-100ml and scoop it out.


Ahh, excellent! I didn’t think to preheat the tool. Thank you.

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