Wipe film evaporator parameters

Are there properties of crude oil i can measure before hand to properly set my wiped film evaporator parameters? For example, if i knew the centipose, viscocity and other(?) info on my crude, could i accurately set my rpm, temp and pressure beforehand and be assured I will get a good result?

Sure. Can you measure the vapor pressure of your crude?


@MrRandy There are vapor pressure sensors for cars. Assuming you could measure this how would you translate that to your WFE settings?

Just run the VTA sop settings and adjust from there

I usually run 5 degrees hotter then what it says when I’m running fast


@Kingofthekush420 I appreciate a good SOP, but i want to figure out how to theoretically do this unattended. I want to see how this is done in an enviroment where trim quality is constantly changing and the process is continuous.

Every step in processing relieves contents with specific vapor pressures. If you can measure vapor pressure with enough precision you can fraction off each constituent. The reason no one does it that way now is cost/efficiency.

@MrRandy so in a large scale continuous extraction process would this sensor setup reside in the feed tank immediately upstream from the WFE? At what size operation do you start to see this technology?

Not in cannabis. Batch size would need to be huge to justify expense.

You asked what properties to measure to set parameters. Vapor pressure of starting material and vapor pressure of process would both be required data.

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Thank you for the thoughtful response @MrRandy

Trim quality isnt going to change the settings on your evaporator if you’re extracting / pre processing correctly

Thc/CBD has a set boiling point at a certain vacuum, trim quality doesnt change that

P.S. I hit over 99% total cannabinoids everytime on the VTA, theres a reason I pointed you in that direction


Yea, when i read the WFE threads it seems not dewaxing and improper decarb cause the WFE to act wonky.

You should never run unwinterized/undecarbed material though the wiper. As long as you do those 2 things and terpene strip you’ll be fine

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No. Just listen to what the consultant specifically said and read what he said again and again or hire one of us to walk you though it

You missed the most important thing he said FYI

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What is The VTA sop

Also water solubles. . .
Basically the trick is to control input material so you have consitency regardless of how the crude was initially processed. If you absolutely cannot for some reason…then you want all the data in the world. From viscosity to sugar content to vapor pressure to density to specific heat capacity, etc. And depending on the impurities you’re working with, maybe a wiped film isn’t the best choice.

Or just make decent crude and don’t have those issues.

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