When to and how to open jar

I have made diamonds. All I did was do a run, leave enough gas to pour in a jar. Let it sit for a sec cap it and left it alone. I have crystals form very well but every time I try to open it. Everything goes wrong and the diamonds get mix up with wax. How do o open without it foaming up and waxing up


First off you got a blast cryo cold to keep your terpenes from waxing up sounds like you pulled a little plant matter next it’s going to bubble up some but tiny,when you open it that’s the residual solvent left evaporating off and boiling off at room temperature… If u waited about 3 weeks and placed your jar on heat during this time that probably wouldn’t happen if hard bubbling

But if it stays waxy you have to much plant matter… Blast fast and cold, use dry ice to freeze everything!

Unfortunately this is how a non dewax run comes out… Only thing worth anything the diamonds, the temps will taste veggy

Edit*** I may have took the WAXY part u said wrong…

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opeing the jar:
you need to freeze the jar to lower the pressure. Dont freeze the contents solid, just look for pressure reduction. That will let you open it.

Finishing your batch:
From then way you describe the pressure it seems like the batch isnt done. Burp the jar everyday untill it has no pressure left, then you can harvest the jar.


Thank you all for the info. Both very helpful. Appreciate it very much

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once they’re done, as a good host, you open the jar when guests come over :wink:


That’s a nice gesture


I find that if I open the jar before guests arrive, it seems to mysteriously empty itself :wink:


You know what, I’ve noticed that too… Weird.


Ive found if you open the jar when guests come over it’s hard to get them to leave…