What are trash bags made of?

My trash bags say not recommended for food storage, but everyone is doing it so it must be ok, right?

Google says most are made of LDPE, with some being made of HDPE. I would assume the reason they are not recommended for food storage would be lubricants used in manufacturing, and lack of strict sanitary manufacturing and packaging meant for food grade products.


I wonder if theres a quality difference in the black and white types. I bet you’re right about the possible lube residue, wouldn’t worry about microbials, but I think I’m try to upgrade to something better for holding partially spent biomass.

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Hmmm microbials
Ever had a cat ?
I do and there are certain plastic bags he likes to lick so after some research as to why he did that turns out some bag factories use animal derived fats as lube hence the cat licking the bags
Are they a source for microbes i don t know


So, I could use a cat as a testing device? Or do they lick the synthetic oils too?


Animal fat was used to make a water soluble oil for machining purposes…way way back in the day. I worked in a shop in Louisiana that still used them on one old grinder. The coolant would sour, grow bacteria like a mofo, and just generally smell of rotten vag. I would end up wearing a good bit of it every time I ran the grinder.

It’s quite interesting about the use of animal fat in lubrication of other manufacturing processes…I was unaware it was still used at all. Looks like I’ll have to read about that now lol sometimes a curious mind is a nuisance lol


I will ask the cat hold on​:joy::rofl:
I have no cleu all i know is that some lube is animal fat derived and Since a cat can recognise this it still must have this animal scent/flavor
But is it safe ? For myself i d say Yes but for a consumer Hmm i don t know

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Pussy licking lube detector
Who wants to write the SOP?


Food grade bucket liner?