We love THC but CBD is only good for the CBD sellers, other than that it is worthless!

Yeah dude, 25mg doses that are generally available aren’t really gonna cut it. Try some concentrates. My hash is around 50-60% cannabinoids and rosin comes out around 75%+. I make some hash capsules that are 60mg also, all full spectrum.

A big issue with all the cheapo stuff is its overrun with isolate and there’s no diversity to the cannabinoid profiles.


Having firsthand experience selling CBD products, having a brand, etc. 95%+ of the products on the market are complete watered down trash, so I understand the OP’s viewpoint of a miraculously beneficial plant with over 100 different cannabinoids.
There’s plenty that are beneficial other than d9 though my dude, welcome to 2021.


I concur. A dab of straight CBD isolate killed my tooth pain when acetaminophen, codeine, lidocaine and clove oil couldn’t. Instant relief!


Generic sentiments here.

CBD is effective in its own world, but we all know THC is where it’s at, unless we discover more effective usage and capacity to produce the many other Cannabinoids, those are the main two that get the limelight.

D9THC, and CBD are two universes though, if someone had great pain, I would suggest both, in high dosage, get them to modulate with each other and hope that by being able to ingest more of both that an individual can find relief. And they should both be available and cheap. Too many money huxsters in this industry, causing trouble and ill informed, and producing sub par, because… money…


At the end of the day, it is what’s effective for the patient, and there are reasons they call medicine a practice, each patient is different and with different needs, I know people where THC is too much, and CBD is very effective. But lets say I show up at the hospital, and you pass me a joint and rub your “fancy” oil on it, I’ll f***ing ream you.

Depending on your pain levels, what type of pain, you may need other treatment options in congruence with THC.

Let’s face an honest fact, we are all drawn to it because we are for the most part, self medicating, sometimes you need more than what you know, and there are more effective things out there.

Sorry, won’t tell someone to stop chemo drugs and just use pot, that’s f***ing dumb. But if you’re on chemo, and you feel it may help, I would suggest THC.


Clove oil (eugenol)


The hard part about mixing is that thc and cbd go through the same receptor. If you were to pack two bowls, one of your dankest weed and another of cbd hash, you could hit the weed once just for fun, then take a couple of puffs of the cbd hash. When you go back to the bowl of weed, I kid you not, it will be just like smoking hemp, you won’t feel a thing, because the cbd hash overloaded your receptor.


When a migraine hits, a small dab of distillate, then swishing around in my cbd isolate jar to get cbd isolate to stick, and dab, my migraine is lessened by 75%. But only for 15 mins. Repeat until prescribed med kicks in.


Thc- cbd at a 1:1 ratio is my best pain killer, much better then only thc for joint pain.


I have had CBD that helps joint and muscle pain but didn’t do jack for nerve pain. CBN added in helped though.


The Ringo’s Gift cbd dab I gave to this cancer patient was epic. It was the tiniest dab in the world and she said " this is the first time I’ve been able to feel my toes in 5 years"


At what ratio of CBN did you see relief?

Hi @Liftdog
I’m not going to argue one way or another but if you would like some CBD Isolate or T Free Distillate to experiment/formulate with, I will send you samples. I’m a big advocate for all cannabinoids and believe many retail products are severely underdosed.

Salves, tinctures, and lotions are easy to mix up at home. Won’t hurt my feelings either way but I’d be glad to send them. Appreciate your service


Ooo you need to grow this strain:


That looks great, might have to find one


I don’t have any selections at the moment but I’d be happy to send you a few seeds to hunt!


Aloha James, yeah that’s what I have sever nerve pain, got hit with shrapnel in the right hand in Iraq it cut all the nerves and tendons plus blew a chunk of meat out. It only stung when it hit but has been aching terribly for 10 years now. Honey Oil helps but like you said that CBD “didn’t do jack for nerve pain.”

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I’m going to order some asap, says recommended for outdoor only and I want to pheno hunt some cbd phenos that will grow outdoors here, thanks.

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200 mg CBD full spectrum resin/ 50 mg CBN isolate

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With or without opening the box?