Very amateur question but want to get everyone's input on it lol (extraction solvent choice)

Hello I was wondering what everyone’s opinion is on the best solvent to use to extract crude. Ethanol or butane or hexane or pentane or methenol or any of the other solvents I havent listed, which solvent is the best to use to extract crude, also if it must be considered lab grade or organic. Fishing around to see if there is a better solvent to use over isobutane which is what we currently use.

Spell check would be where I start.


if crude… ethanol is probably the cheapest and easiest to scale


Yeah this is a train wreck of a question, you should hit the search bar because this has been discussed to great length here. You clearly made no effort to search for your answer before just demanding everyone give it to you. Also spellcheck homie your phone and computer both have it.


Water and ice


Alcohol extracts will give you shitty crude unless you maintain -40 C or colder. Id go with butane all day there really isn’t a question about it. If you can’t afford to bring butane to industrial scale, then I’d suggest hexane extract, methanol winterize and bring back into hexane via LLE with water/methanol


Funny shit my phone didn’t spell check the words I spelled wrong, my phone must be stupid cause after seeing what I spelled wrong I manually had to fix.


I am not demanding anyone to answer my question and my question isn’t written out as a demand either. If you dont feel like giving an opinion on a forum setup for information and opinions please kindly stay off my post. Im just looking to see what peoples opinions are ive already got a method I use anyways.

Thank you for posting your opinion it is appreciated and not demanded

Lmao the opinions and all accompanied details are here on this forum to read already.

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I’ve heard alot of people to pentane or hexane because it can be lle almost immediately after the extraction.

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