Vaping Crisis Will Pass

Many people have influenced by the Vaping Crisis, business goes very slowly. Life is full of ups and downs, so does business. We, as a manufacturer of CBD vape device, we are influence by it as well. However, we are full of hope on it. From the bottom of my heart, I know that we are saving people’s life. Vaping won’t die.

It’s no doubt that CBD is healthy. It is a magic medicine. And e-juice is also healthier that cigarette.

Although it causes hundreds lung disease cases, it’s no doubt that it is still much more healthier compare to cigarette. According to data online, cancers which caused by cigarette leads to 1,300 deaths per day in worldwide! Not to mention so many lives saved by CBD.

Moreover, the death by vaping is because some toxic substance added into the oil. After this crisis, such kind of situation will getting better under the standardizing of the market. And for vape device, for example, like cartridge, we have more healthier technology as well. Everything is turning to better.

Yes, CBD is healthy, but why not just apply the oil under tongue? Isn’t this way is healthier? Why have to vape it?

This is right, apply under tongue is healthier. Because some vape device may contain heavy metal.

At the beginning people create e-cig is used to replace cigarette, offer smoker a healthier alternative. Everyone knows the harm of smoking, but they just hard to get rid of it. It’s a very important lifestyle for them. But the way of vaping, they can get the feeling of smoking, although the feeling is not exactly the same as smoking, but it’s far more healthier than smoking. So people love such an alternative very much.

And I used to read some article which says after CBD oil be atomized, it can be absorbed by body faster. Especially for some patient who need to get better immediately.

So vaping is not just for health, it’s also a kind of lifestyle!

I still remember the first day I came to Novel company. Our manager show me two videos of the patients who suffer from disease. But after use CBD oil, they are doing better and better as time goes by. I am so touch by the video.

And during the last two year, I have heard many stories from our customers. A customer enter this industry is because his son is died of cancer, so he enter cannabis industry and want to help other. He use some of his profit for charity. Another customer, his wife suffer from pain as well, in the hospital, the medicine cannot relive his wife’s pain, and her condition is worse. He watched his wife in pain, he wish he can undertake that pain, but he can’t. Things changed until he know CBD oil, after use cbd, his wife was doing better… There are so many cases I have heard from our customers. We don’t offer cbd oil, we just offer the vape device. But at least we can offer healthy device, that make us feel we are part of it, we are part of saving people’s lives. We are so proud of it!

Cannabis industry won’t die, on the contrary, after the crisis, it will a more brighter future!

Another one of these threads.

So I take it you’re here to sell carts or something?


Lots of people still buying carts in the legal market

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lotsa people still buying carts in south florida

Vaping will always be around (until the EMP) just as cigarettes will be too. The best option for health is always ingestion, however there could be alternative methods developed for inhalation that are less dangerous than smoking or vaping such as an inhaler. I’ve seen some work toward this in Colorado.

We, as a manufacturer of CBD vape device, we are influence by it as well. However, we are full of hope on it. From the bottom of my heart, I know that we are saving people’s life. Vaping won’t die.

Im gonna call BS on your shill post and sense of morality in regards to “saving” people from illness. what a fucking joke.


Seriously. The smell of hot steaming bullshit is all over this post. Just kept going and going like his corporate overlords were watching him type it out.


Mastery of grammar you have. Strengthens your argument it does.


yes, our company do sell cartridges

that’s very good, I think the vaping crisis will purify the market, do you think so?

there is still a large demand for cartridge, lol

the inhalation, do you mean like the inhalation like treat the asthmas? if so,I have seen it before from somewhere

thanks man, I believe I have a lot to learn, keep doing better

take it easy man