Using Aligned Tec RYO-MINI machine for hemp cigarettes

You bet! Damiana was my first thought when I thought about blending, which led me to the marshmallow leaf as they’re connected in my brain. Once we get more of the injection rods, I plan to test a number of herbs for blending and damiana will definitely be one of those. I will probably try skullcap and mugwort as well as marshmallow leaf and the couple of others which were suggested by another in this thread.

I love it. Keep it up. I hope you figure it out. I wish I had time to play with that right now. If I can help at all let me know.

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I thank you very much for the encouragement and support. I’m working on a half a dozen other, larger, projects for this company and also a couple others not related to this industry right now. I will keep the thread updated and will likely (and gratefully) accept your offer of help if I run into a super specific problem. I try not to bother anyone directly unless I have first beaten the problem down to a very specific issue myself. Hopefully we can (at least somewhat) crack the code on this!

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Injection rods departed from China and I’ll be going herb shopping within the next couple of days so I’m ready when they touch down.

Since this machine appears to be original Chinese engineering, I can’t use the trick where you find out which more-expensive machine of which it’s a knockoff and buy the better parts for that machine. I will, however, be working with some local fabricators and designers to see if they can make a stronger version of this rod/spoon injector assembly at a feasible price.

EDIT: clarity