Trying to coat pre-rolls the right way... any help so very appreciated

Yes, but I do not want to have a product without the disty coating. My samples, as sticky as they might be went over very very well. People were overly impressed and eager for more. I anticipated this being the answer/solution so I do not mind the time part. No one will top the product if I go the long route. You know. And I suppose if someone wanted to pay a lower price and insisted on a product with the glue and kief and no disty that could be arranged by I like the whole craft of it. I am a sicko like that lol

True true. Using lower grade kief or even some finely ground shake in the coating mix may stop it from being dissolved into the distillate as well

Wonā€™t look as good as some grade A kief tho

Good point yea. I did notice on some testers that ground up shake kept the disty from melting/sliding down the joints while the ones without any shake (binders) just slid/melted down

Sell a kit to apply it yourself


Oh man, these people want everything spoon fed. Its why vape carts and prerolls are so popular. I cannot imagine asking people to do that. Its a good idea for a shop or something but not with what I am dealing with sadly. It is what it is kinda thing I guess


You could always use the glue for the main portion of the pre-roll, and just dab the tip of the doob into the distillate? The majority will look nice because if the glue, but will still hit like a pre-roll dipped in disty.

Joint farming is firing 0.2ml shots of molten terpy disty into the final pack of the joint. The heat and terps will flow down with gravity and capillary force to distribute amongst the insides of your joint where your product will be put to good use


Like a 51er. If you know what a 51er isā€¦


A woolie / wu banger around my partsā€¦

This is might have to doā€¦ thank you good sir

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Slightly melted shatter will hold and not drip.



I cant decide if I should do this or notā€¦ i have a cone fillerā€¦ just do it when its got some room left or what?

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The best spot for distillate is on the inside of a blunt to halt the burn. @Killa12345 meme blunts burn very smoothly.

For production for the masses vibration tables work for distributing bands of distillate from the top down

For joint papers, adding a droplet to the top under slight heat works wonders. Run the vibrator for another 2.5-10 minutes with an infrared heater just barely warming the tray (80-90f).

Drier material processed with a chopper allows enough air to flow when the joint is sparked


Why not post process the crude to look better and not have any crude taste. Then coat with that and the kief. Seems like it would be easier than all these extra steps. Or if you have any bho equipment, crc the shit out of the material, purge, melt to coat prerolls and avoid the issue at hand

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He is having issues with stickiness. thca sticks too. He is probably traditional market, meaning distillate is also orders of magnitude cheaper than shatter. Crude is a possibility but usually looks nasty. Most these guys are specialists and dont have whole labs to clean things up


One can only assume. Letā€™s see if he has any other options


Infuse the flower not the paper. Gets you the best burn without any stickiness on the outside. If you have a good method you can end up with an infused ground flower mixture that can be used in any futurola or similar shaker machine. The best part is it works the best with straight distillate, nothing else needed unless you want to spice up the flavor.

A better product, that can be made at scale efficiently.


Few people have mentioned this, so my apologies for beating a dead horse. But any sort of cannabinoids on the outside of the joint is an absolute waste.

Does the increase in profit even justify the increase in cost and effort?

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If the kief joint sells, then who are we to tell them not to make money :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:

Dilute it in ethanol, 3:1 eth to distillate

Spray on and let dry under a bit of warmth, let it dry a bit, then sprinkle on the kief, then let dry fully.

I think it would do the trick