Thompson Duke MCF1 Filler and Capper in Humboldt 6k

Item Model/Manufacturer: Thompson Duke
Description: MCF1 Filler and Capper
Price/MSRP: $6,000.00 / MSRP 10,000.00+
Current location of item: Eureka, California
Estimated lead time: Non. Available now
Fulfillment: Direct from seller . Must pick up or arrange own shipping
User support / Warranty: Non

Im selling our Thompson Duke Semi Auto Cart filling machine and Capper. This are both peddle operated and work great. I paid over 10k for both and selling for 6k. They are located in Eureka California . I prefer cash and pick up in person but will ship if you pay upfront and arrange own shipping. I will get better pics and video of them both operating early next week. Here are some quick ones i had a friend take for me. The filler has the upgrade for the backfill which cost more to upgrade it. Asking 6000.00 for both.


Im interested in these units. can you please contact me. Thanks

Yes i will reach out now

Hi! Iā€™m very interested in this unit, may you please contact me? Thank you!

Ok i will reach out now

Still Available. No response from either person.