THC removal from your body

These may not be the best tags for this question… Anyways. People that know what I work with frequently ask me how is the best way to get THC out of your system before a urine drug test. I normally answer drink lots of water, eat light and exercise for as long as you can before the test. Then, a couple days before the test, start eating really greasy/fatty foods to build up fat in your body that isnt contaminated with THC.

People often ask me about cleanse drinks, and I have to say that I am not to sure which ones work well, or not, so I figured that I would ask on here. Any reccomended drink cleanses that you guys have tried, first or second hand? Really any information on a good cleanse I can reccommend to people would be great.

Thanks a lot!

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To my knowledge, there is no systematic way to urge the removal of THC. There are some products to fool a drug test, you should find them online.

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I know this is much harder when you smoke the type of concentrates and amount of weed I do

Last time I was on probation. I had to buy a whizzanator because I was still pissing hot after 90 days after quitting. She said if I pissed dirty one more time she was violating me which meant 21 days in jail.

I literally was doing everything. Tons of water, cleansing pills, ginseng, exercising. Still pissed hot. Metabolism gonna have a huge impact but it takes a while if you ingest 2000-3000mg of thc daily.


If you drink too much water and dilute your piss, you can fail for that. I think creatine levels are checked.

I once failed a drug test for being hot, and too diluted.

I had to test every week. They wanted to see levels going down.

Dog urine can be substituted to pass a drug test.

You can get THC urine test strip for cheap. The dollar stores carry them sometimes.


I just heard about this Certo(it’s like Jell-O or something) that sounds pretty promising. Google it

thats an urban myth. its like a gelatin…supposedly the thc binds with it. We tried all that stuff in our teens. There are real cleansing products that will help mask a positive test.

The best thing you can use is synthetic urine. Never failed with it. even going to labs.


attach an inline heated T41 filled reaction chamber to your penis


Always liked to keep a bottle of synthetic in my toolbox in case of an accident leading to a test. Used the whizzinator for two years on paper, never failed once. I failed too many tests relying on other methods, either still positive, or too diluted. It’s really a no brainer, if using synthetic is an option, it’s the only option.


Yeah, CRC that stuff