
My guy Shimadzu HPLC and GCMS. You know what happens when you assume dont you?? You have shared alot of namecalling… not much else. I would also argue room temp varies by region, and what may not pass at room temp in your local may very well pass at room temp in another local. The industry needs insight and depth of knowledge. Not cocky halfwits who do not have the full understanding of a concept, and therfore can not explain said concept thouroughly. Now tell me again how your butane in terps you saw two “goofballs” use and by the way didnt mention anything beforehand to them for their own safety relates to my question regarding terps from C02 crude?

You’re the one seeking information my guy.

You can split the argument up all you want but rt is generally 20-25 deg C. At room temp a mixture will not purge.

I was a tech during that time, it wasn’t my department and I was reported on the results bc one of the extraction techs recovered nice terps. Handed nice terps to flavor team. Flavor team did their thing. None of the above was my doing, it was observations of other departments and if you weren’t a fool you might learn from their mistakes that I tried to convey to you.

Good luck on your arrogant path.

Edit: use those fancy tools you mentioned instead of asking the omnipotent f4200 if you’re such a seasoned analyst

I was hoping for someone more learned and experienced than a tech get involved… I guess that was my fault.

Use that money then baller

Money talks

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Ignorance is Bliss

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