squirting for for crude going to distillate

Currently running a 6 pound system with two 4" Collums crude is going straight To winterize and distillation No jackets except for what I shove dry ice in and wrap the columns with Which is a pain in the ass And seems to go through quite a bit of consumables my question would be would I be better off just chilling the columns separately And then running the system without the jackets Or am I benefitting from letting the solvent soak in the columns with the jackets on

if you’re winterizing, and then going to distillate, then you can skip the jackets imo.

on the other hand, if you do jackets right, you can skip the winterization…

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right on I’ll try a run without them on and see if I can still get the tane to go where I want. the ice really gets the solvent going and its been too long for me to remember running without some ice on the collums