Shatter to distillate

Recent first hand experience processing kgs of bho shatter into distillate. Having been given heaps of (dirty looking) shatter sheets, and never having done this, I jumped right in and worked it through a classic winterizing, roto, and spd process. Was the stickiest stuff I’ve ever seen. Ended up with top notch distillate at ~30% total loss in mass, mostly during filtering prior to roto. If anyone knows a more efficient way, would love to hear it.

Some answers aren’t direct. They have plenty of topics on this forum about every process you mentioned. Just connect the dots and you will find what your looking for and a lot more. But if your on a time schedule I’m sure a consultant will get you going or maybe you might get lucky and somebody will chime some knowledge.

Be CaREFULL heating that much butane poop soup next to a plug and socket like that

Bump that chord, spark happens, then FLASH no more facial hair best case scenario


It’s ethenol 10:1 shatter stew