Searching for used Shipping container C1D1

Looking for a used c1d1 preferably a shipping container one. please contact me asap with any info

I can get some numbers to you, email me at

Im looking for more of a used solution. do you guys have any of those?

Wish I did, I can quote building out a conex for you if you already have one or if you want us to provide as well. You’re in Oklahoma?

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yes i am in oklahoma. how much would building out a connex that i provide cost vs the one you provide? and do you have any sort of financing options?

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I think @rowan mentioned a kit for a shipping container that was like 10 or 11k a while back.

@CARTO.GRAPHER you remember?

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Ill DM you :slight_smile:

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Could you get me the same info, please? @ExtractionBoothLady


If you can DM me your email I can get some info and would be happy to send over!