Re-Proofing Ethanol Water Mixtures

Hey All,

Curious if anyone knows any companies with the ability to re-proof our 72-85% ethanol that is diluted with water.


Yes, depending on scale. How much are you looking to reproof each day?

5 a day, is that too litte? Will continue to go up, as weeks pass. @MagisterChemist

Five what? Liter, gallon, ton?

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drums sorry. 55gal

are you looking to do this yourself or hire the process out?

I ask because we have a whole section on solvent recovery.

yet this location, and your wording

actually seems to point at the latter.

which I would not have considered a thing until right now. thanks :wink:

One of the places I was recently had a distillery two doors down, and they might a have been up for reproofing for us based on the discussions I had with their owner… we were discussing contract distillation of virgin solvent, but reproofing would be a fairly similar trick.

@MagisterChemist do you really have contract reproofers in your rolodex?

looking to outsource for at least Q1&Q2.

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how are you getting it wet?
does it have heptane as well as water?

or is this chromatography effluent?

How many washes are you doing with this solvent before it reaches such a low proof?

Heptane denatured or 200 proof or 190 proof?

I smell chromatography…

and maybe the need for a fleet of mobile recovery units :wink:

@Bret_HoneyGold: where do you need this hazardous waste picked up? (@Dirteagle?)

are you concerned about pesticides or other possible contaminants?
(would you like it filtered over carbon or other media? sent out for analytical testing?)

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its chroma, using 200 proof for our column. Probably should have mentioned that.

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