Question About D8 & D9 being used together

Quick Question I wanted to drop by , has anyone here tried D8 & D9 together as one? And if so how does that feel?

I’ve had a client request for D8 & D9 mixed edibles and personally I’ve never tried D8 nor have experienced it only from reading through forums. I’ve read that D8 is more of a body high whilst D9 stimulates more for the head? Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m just curious as to how D8 & D9 feels TOGETHER.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: most have


D8 is 40% weaker, more dreamy, less hang over, lots of munchies

Try a 50/50 and go from there

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Thanks. Will do👍

All D8 has D9 as part of the conversion.


:rofl: spoon of the day


50/50 is my favorite


I hear it’s closer to 40/60 but some I seen have been damn near.

Delta 8 absolutely smacks me as an edible. I can normally ingest 2-300 mgs of Delta 9 for an excellent high, where as delta 8 gets me to the same place in about 100mgs. I also never wake up still high from delta 8 where I’ve been high for days at a time from Delta 9. Take that anecdotal mess for what it’s worth lol.


I’ve done extensive testing on d8 being consumed orally and that is usually the opposite effect. It’s weaker for most.

That hangover thing seems common d8 doesn’t have you messed up the next day ime


I can eat a couple grams of D8, and just go to sleep. D9 if I get in 500mg range I’m trashed (even more so now because I haven’t imbibed any thcs in a bit).

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I think delta 8 is more newbie friendly (not saying this in a bad way) and good for those who are rec or casual users. But traditional stoners, heavy users love that d9

I am kind of waiting for the dust to settle if d8 is safe to consume with all the unknowns in it from the creation from CBD, so until then I will stick with d9 thc traditional distillate


Eat edibles daily myself and rotate between d8 and d9. I take d8 before work so that I dont get the sluggish body effects from d9. D8 seems to last longer and be more energetic feeling for me. Also it seems to be more consistent then rso in effects. 50 mg is my starting dose in the day time.

In the afternoons I usually switch to d9 rso and take about 50 to 100 mg. Get a lot more body high and noticeably more euphoria and more of the sluggishness + brain fog and other effects.

d8 to me is the sativa like edible with a lot more energy and mental clarity while d9 is more the indica effects edbiles lots of fog, can make you tired, etc.

For both I get similar munchies effects but I feel d9 makes it more of a bottomless hunger could eat the whole fridge. D9 gives me much redder dryer eyes and cotton mouth. Both make me thirsty and tend to stay well hydrated on both personally.

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Concur d8 generally comes off feeling weaker but a lot more energetic feeling also and none of that brain fog d9 gives off. I have had a few d8 experiences that lasted ungodly long though 12+hrs when I first began rotating it into my daily edibles and experimenting with larger doses on days off.


Thank you everyone who gave a piece of insight :slight_smile: means a lot.