potassium carbonate to reproof ethanol

would this method work? apparently it leaves a small amount of potassium carbonate in the ethanol. would that create problems using it to extract?

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well from what i have gathered the salt should stay behind when distilling. I will update it after i test my theory in practice, then see if the lab can test for residual potassium carbonate. It may turn out less efficient than reproofing using other means, i have no idea. I mainly just want to find out if this works because its fun

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I’d just get a flute, but I’m always looking for excuses to use company money for toys I can use in my other hobbies. :smiling_imp:

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yes but that would cost more than some potassium carbonate. I can reuse it by distilling the water back off is my theory. I really am not sure how this is all going to work out as my primary source for all things distillation is the time ive spent here, but hey, half of the fun in learning is failure, and a small amount of potassium carbonate to test my theory is cheap

Why not put molecular sieves in your ethanol so you don’t need to distill? Activated 4A MS will dry any residual water. If it’s good for weird solvents m, it’s good enough for ethanol.

Edit: typo


because I barely know what i’m doing :slight_smile: thanks!