New York Recreational Market State of the Union?

you say that but weed was legal for the most part on the west coast for MANY years and the price hadnt dropped like recently. and the price hasnt dropped- consumers still pay 120 a quarter like 20 years ago. beer is a commodity, why isnt beer 30 cents- because people will gladly pay more. i see all types walking into dispensary to overpay. Its because most people work and dont know drug dealers.


Where is weed legal without a license on the west coast?

And most people cant grow a house plant let alone dank weed. I had put thousands of hours research before my first grow. It was veery succesful and I went from there. In the end I do nothing fancy at all, I learned off overgrow and from BOG

thank you!


I don’t think that’s 100% accurate. A licensee can have the almost vertical stack of a cultivator, processor and distributer license but with that trifecta, the licensee is limited to distributing only its own products.

If you have both a cultivator and processor license, you can process anyone’s material.

MRTA creates a two tier, rather than a three tier regulatory program so the critical prohibition for tied house purposes is the overlapping ownership interest between the cultivator/processor/distributor tier and the retail tier.

You still need to apply for the ability to process your own material as far as I am aware because they want to know what method you plan on using.

That’s right. If “Heady Chonic LLC” has a cultivation license, it must also get a separate processor license if it wants to process Heady Chronic LLC’s heady chronic. But when it does get a processor license, Heady Chronic LLC can process anyone’s chronic, even if it is not heady.


Are you actually a lawyer?

Yup! But of course nothing in this thread constitutes legal advice.


That’s how you know he’s a lawyer. He just threw in speach to limit his liability


This wouldn’t work with the financial screening NY put in place. The refs are specifically designed to defeat this.

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My company received one of 15 processor licenses. We are a tiny company, we have not been approached by a single investor. I assisted two hemp farmers in getting their adult use cultivation license and I’m working with about a half dozen others. Nobody is really being approached by any outside money. In fact, the cultivators are starting to bring in their harvest, at least autos, and they have no idea what to do with it. We are getting calls but nobody knows what to charge, nobody manufacturer wants to speculate without consulting the dispensaries and at least knowing the locations of the dispensaries to design product to best fit that particular clientele - but nobody knows. I think NY is doing a great job empowering the people but I think some regulatory aspects are being broad stroked because there is nobody on the OCB that actually has that hands on harvest to product experience.


Congratulations on your license. Yes, as someone who was processing at the opening of an AU market, the learning curve is steep for all involved. It’s one of the best parts…everyone gets better. Those that don’t get better go away through natural selection. Exciting times for you.

You got a conditional processor license transferring from your hemp license? Or you got one of the social equity licenses?

What county are you in?

Just as there are in every other state when it comes to social equity, residency requirements, etc - there are always loopholes, and they are reactive to whatever loopholes are found. I’ve seen much stricter policing in other states, and even in those people find a way around the rules.

And I’m very surprised that you haven’t gotten a single investor inquiry - were you one of the hemp processors with your contact info on the state’s site? I’ve gotten multiple cold pitches from brokers trying to sell processing licenses for $15-40M (good luck lol), and funds I know have been talking to growers+processors since the state started issuing licenses. But I’m pumped for you all, I think it’ll be a great market.

Social equity licenses have not opened yet. Late fall is the expected timeline for the remaining license types to open. We received a conditional manufacturer license. We build brands and end products. We are adding hash and rosin to our license type as well as small scale ethanol.

My company and license is in Fulton County

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Well I can tell you that if a broker is trying to sell you a processing license they are lying (they are trying to find a potential buyer to pitch that buyer to an existing license holder) I am 100% an expert on the NYS MRTA, I better be since people pay me to help them. I have three succsful licenses now under my belt: Two conditional cultivation licenses and my processing license. I am currently assisting a half dozen CAURD applicants for the forst 150 dispensaries but that thing is a big crap shoot. The loopholes as it relates to circumventing the small business and social aspect are far and few in-between. The only real loop hole is by shuffling consultancies around like investments. We have managed to squeeze a half a million in sales a year at 70% margins in the Hemp industry, pretty sure we will be fine. There were quite a few big money investors that came in to the state and dumped a ton of money into ridiculous sized facilities that were/are primarily focused on distillate and isolate manufacturing. There is zero infrastructure in the state for butane and up until the last processing guidance came out nobody even thought butane was going to be a possibility - well looks like it is. There are only 15 NYS processors so far with approvals and I personally know 70% of them. The big money you are talking about just isn’t there. Thanks for the support!! And I am sure you will see our cartridge line in dispensaries across NYS. We intend to focus on three product categories out the gate: Cartridges, prerolls, and topicals.