My new diamond miner.

I’m very brand new to crystallization so this is going to be my first project.


looks good!


Sweet design! looking forward to updates. Whats your plan of action? will you be placing the thing in and out of the freezer? what PSI will you leave it at? i was thinking a relief valve that is set to your desired psi would be really beneficial




I am going to be doing #onlythestrongsaucetek
And also I’m going try to collect data on the temperature and pressure.


that is a great idea. Just built one myself actually!

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Wish someone would play around with just pressure and honey, no solvent other than terps


I had assumed that’s The Guild formula with possibly/probably a centrifuge added in to the equation.

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Nitrogen and time if I understood correctly

But I’m thinking something growers have lying around…maye co2?

I’m no chemist don’t laugh…self taught
With help from some BRILlIANT MINDS…


It would be really sweet to know the ideal pressure correlated to the progress your at. I would imagine you could start sand type diamonds to get it seeded, then raise the pressure so that the diamonds grow slow. You could have multiple pipes each with their own rated relief valve and regular valve before it, so that you can switch to the relief valve the correlates to how far you are in the process.
I would guess that doing the whole process with one pressure rating isn’t going to be the fastest way of producing those big diamonds.
Next you need solenoid valves that open and close the valves and digital temperature and pressure ratings. Program a loop with a Raspberry Pi and just fluctuate the temperature between 0C and 20C. If you had a cooler of some sort, you could run pipe coiled slightly bigger than your diamond miner. place the diamond miner and pipe coil into a bucket of water. Have a power switch that turns on the cooler to get it to 0C, then when it reaches 0C turn off the cooler and let it raise to room temp. Then program it to turn the cooler back on when it reaches room temp.


I used raspberry pi many times when used to build rooms for gardeners to monitor AC, chillers, lights, etc.
right now trying to build a scale to monitor weight of the the miner…as well as pressure, temp.


How are you getting the pressure reading? im having a hard time getting accurate data from ADC components, are you using a digital sensor or analog? i got my sensor from transducer direct and using an ADS1115 16bit ADC. any tips?

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great tutorial. link below. They talk about calibration.


Check out diet funk and others on IG. They’re jarring and heating rosin to make sauce/jam.


I’ll stick with solvents for now.


looks lovely!

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Ah sorry, I was replying to stone, not your original post.

I’m curious…ur weighing to see how much solvent left?


I’m building a new project bench and modifying my freezer. And need to buy a new recovery tank.
Wednesday I’m planning to start.

I’m planing to starred with about have gallon of Very thick solution. So by the time I have 1/3 of the solution I will have plenty of pressure build-up inside of my minner

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Hahaha I have a recovery tank for sell on here!!! Giving someone an at cost price just bc I don’t really need anymore…if interested dm me