Minimum amount of oil for a given size SPD set up?

Is there a minimum amount of oil one should run thru a given volume SPD set up? Is running a large set up with a smaller amount of oil an issue? Does that affect performance much? I’d guess that in a 5L setup, 2-3L of oil would be optimum? Is there a lower limit to the volume of oil that should be run thru that size setup?

You want to aim for half way because of how the thermometer operates and fluid levels creating more pressure.


Seconding what spdking is saying. The problem with using only a little oil is that your headspace temperature won’t increase very fast. But if you’re patient and let it volatilize, you might be ok. I mean, near the end of a normal SPD run where you started with a half full boiling flask, you’re going to have small volumes in your boiling flask, which typically distill over just fine until your boiling flask is nearly empty.


Half full is where it runs best and what you want to shoot for, when you get more comfortable with your plant you can push for more. For 5L you would use at least 2.5kgs of crude. If you start to get comfortable with your plant, like your lights are always 500mL you could try loading it to 3L so you go through the lights quickly and are at optimal efficiency on your CBD/THC frac. Obviously the density isn’t 1:1 like water but it is close enough.

Don’t run below the thermometer. Flying blind is dangerous.